View Full Version : do you have a myspace? Extremely BAD anxiety & de

05-02-07, 23:13
do you have a myspace? Extremely BAD anxiety & depression :-(

see photos of me & my family :-)


Extremely BAD anxiety & depression :-(

i have this panic attacks anxiety depression :-(
Its hard for me to have Faith & Hope when I keep getting this bad anxiety and it comes

with crying and shaking & depression - loss of apetite and faintness & horrible scared

feeling (afraid to be left alone, afraid of losing control & hot flashes Shaky, Sweaty &

negative thoughts - and fear - thought I was going crazy -I can't breathe, my heart races -

not able to sleep :-( i feel sick with the horrible feeling - allways anxious!
I'm tired of the pain, and despairing/losing hope -
I start to feel a bit better but within days its HELL again :-(
When will this nightmare be over?? I'm so scared that its not going to end? :-(
begun anti-depressants "Citalopram" 20 mg been on them for 4 weeks now and i dont

know if they are helping?
whats going on with me? how can i stop this?
so say its a hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid? i did have a blood test and it

come back all fine -?
Even when I have a good day its still there at the back of my mind knowing what's to

come. :-(
i went to see a Natural Healthcare lady - homeopathic & she said i do have a
hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid and she will regulated to the normal speed

and imbalance my hormonal! but she did not say how long it will take?
love & hugs littlemissmuchafraid

im Trying to remain positive in such a negative situation ?

im going through A hard Time with panic attacks anxiety depression! :-(

I have been getting anxiety and panic attacks and depression for 10 years now.

It has never gone away, I just try to live with it.

I did try some pills a long time ago but they give me bad side effects so I stopped taking

Then was too scared to try any more. I cannot remember the name of them now.

Had some counselling in the past that helped a bit.

I have not much confidence in my self and feel like the odd one out most of the time
I Hate being on my own.

My childhood was not too great. Had a step dad that always put me down and hit me.

He would not let me go to school that much.
I have no education never had a job, Don’t drive, cannot Read and write too well all I do

right I get it spell checked for me.
I have been married for 6 years now but been together for 12 years I have a son, ten

years of age.

i always feel tense - on edge & anxiety & panicky - i feel stressed! All my muscles aches

and pains me :-( how can i relax?

chat soon Lisa :-)

MY FAMILY PHOTOS :-) thanks for your help and time god bless


05-02-07, 23:18
You have posted this message a few times, just choose one area and it will be read by all that come on the site.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".