View Full Version : New to this. Please help.

10-08-15, 01:15
I have always been a severe worrier and definitely have anxiety issues, although I've never officially "seen anyone" or been diagnosed. Whether or not this is my main issue causing my symptoms, I don't know. It's hard to believe and I'm definitely scared.

About 6 weeks ago, after a prolonged stressful few months, I started to get a vague numb/heavy feeling in my right arm from time to time. (I do work on computer a lot). I also got a dull mid-chest pain that lasted 2 weeks. I saw the general dr, he did ekg (normal) and gave me priolosec for reflux. After 1 week I still had the chest ache so I saw the cardiologist. Echocardiogram was clear and he said he didn't know what it was and that the arm stuff was "not cardiac." The next day the chest pain mysteriously disappeared.

Then, over the past few weeks, I have had other odd symptoms. I think in the middle of this I also experienced my first panic attack with headache, tears, fear, etc.
So I've basically had numb/ weak/ heavy feeling arms, heaviness in legs, tingling spots, feelings like I'm getting goosebumps. Most symptoms have been on my right side but I've had them on both. Not usually the same symptoms two days in a row. I usually wake up fine but get some strange symptoms throughout the day. Some days are better than others.

I saw GP and neuro. Had lots of bloodwork (CBC, metabolic, ANA, ESR, B12, some other kidney,etc markers, lyme, others). All normal. MRI w/o contrast of brain and c-spine. Normal but for some osteophytes (bone spurs?) and minor disc protrusions in my neck that are supposedly normal for my age and not causing my symptoms (according to neuro). I'm 39 years old. Also, EMG in my arms was normal. Neuro exam normal.

My GP thinks it may be from anxiety and once I'm reassured of this, my symptoms will diminish in a few weeks. The problem is I'm not convinced. My neuro was a jerk and told me "I don't know what this is but it's not neurological and have you talked to anyone?" I told him I have started to see a therapist and asked if anxiety could be causing all of these symptoms. He said, "I can't tell you that. You can't prove anxiety." He was horrible, didn't even go over my test results with me, and told me "your emg will be normal and then you can go to 15 more doctors" before he even started the test. I had only been to my GP, cardiologist, and him.

Anyway, I have had symptoms almost daily for about 4 weeks now. Can this be typical of anxiety? I've noticed that when I get scared or upset, I feel a rush through my legs or arms and they become weak feeling. Like the jelly legs you feel when you get scared, but the feeling persists for sometimes minutes, sometimes hours. I don't actually lose any strength. This and the fact that I've been super jumpy (any little noise or sudden movement makes me hit the ceiling) and very emotional/ stressed, makes me realize there's definitely an anxiety component here. But today, I drove for a few hours, and my right arm feels a slight numbness and if I lift both arms over my head, they get a mild pins/needles feeling. So strange. I don't know how that can be from anxiety.

Can anxiety be causing all of my symptoms? I'm fearing lots of neurological diseases. And I most definitely have health anxiety :(

Any help or advice would be appreciated. My GP gave my klonopin (.25 1xday) for 3 days but I didn't notice much difference with it. She gave me lexapro but I'm too scared of the side effects I read about (more tingling! headache, nausea) to start. Help. Thank you in advance.

10-08-15, 01:31
Hi I'm new to this also, all I know is I suffer bad anxiety and panic attacks. My legs go to jelly and feel that they won't hold me up but they always do 👍 If I'm out shopping I get a trolley and lean on that until it's passed and I feel more stable. If it happens at home then I sit down and try to do slow breathing exercises which help.

10-08-15, 03:46
Wow your symptoms are identical to mine however mine are on both sides I have also experienced many other symptoms but my anxiety started with what you are describing. 10 months later I don't experience the heaviness in the limbs anymore but it did last a while I also have had many different tests and have been diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder however I had a really hard time excepting these physical symptoms were due to anxiety and I still do struggle to believe it sometimes.

You have had way more comprehensive testing then I and I think you can be satisfied with the results. It's time to forget about the physical side and work on your mind just accept that right now this is how you feel and it will pass, if you can put this in your mindset you will see a difference. It will take time and patience there is no quick fix unfortunately and that is another thing I struggle with patience.

The more you focus on how you feel the worse you will feel and the longer this will linger.
Look up tissue salts they are supplements I take magnesium and a nerve one at the acute dose I'm really seeing a difference.

I hope you start to feel better

10-08-15, 19:09
Same as me, I've had it about 5-6 weeks (I know my weak arm is caused by muscle problems on my trapezius from working at a desk for the last 7 months!!). Anyway, ended up at health centre after a panic attack and on an ECG and the doctor said I was fine, it's anxiety, and to get it sorted asap.

Your doctor sounds like a dick. It's no joke. This can be caused by anxiety; once you accept that, it becomes easier to rationalise.

10-08-15, 21:21
Please don't worry I have had gad and panic disorder for nearly ten years and have experienced all of your symptoms and a lot more trust me!!!! Please except they are just symptoms and you will feel a lot better.. You are lucky I haven't been given an mri !!! Please don't be like me and let anxiety overtake your life, live every day to its fullest , smile and be positive, love and light xx

11-08-15, 01:30
Thank you for your replies. I'm trying so hard to believe that this is caused by anxiety, but like so many others, it seems impossible to do.
Today my newest symptom was that I woke up and my legs were still motionless, but they literally felt like waves were moving through my calves?
Yesterday I had tiny little (not painful) zap type of sensations in both legs below the knees.
Every day it is something different.
I'm going to start on lexapro tonight. I know it takes a while to work, but I am feeling like I need to do something to get my anxiety under control. I'm afraid of side effects, but they can't be worse than what I'm experiencing now.
I'm hoping that the symptoms go away on the meds, and that can help me believe that it's just anxiety.
In the meantime, I've made an appt with another neurologist. The last one was so awful that I left crying with absolutely no information or advice. In fact, he was yelling at me through the entire EMG and then made a nasty comment that "the pain doesn't seem to bother you. Most of my patients find this extremely uncomfortable." It was like he wanted to cause me pain and upset me. So bizarre, really.

Do you all really have these symptoms and they persist? Like every day it's something? I'm afraid that since it's been over a month, that this indicates something more serious.

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ----------

And- when you all get the numbness/tingling/ etc., is it only for a few seconds and then goes away?
Mine is somewhat persistent. As in, the sensations tend to last for just a few moments/ minutes, but then I get another symptom shortly after. So, essentially, almost all day long, I am feeling something. At least a few times per hour. And they increase as the day goes on, especially if I become more stressed/ upset about something.
Is this typical of anxiety symptoms?

11-08-15, 17:27
Today the right side of my face feels slightly numb/tingly. I've also gotten a "hot" feeling on the inside of my ankle. Help!

12-08-15, 19:56
Hi Hun, yes I get the symptoms all day 24/7, even during the night if I wake up I don't feel quite right and I get trembling in my chest and body, I have been having these symptoms every day all day for the last two years so if yours is something serious after a month I had better book my funeral lol, I also wake up about an hour after being asleep with an anxiety attack or panic attack, I hate them and wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.. My symptoms are also different all day, they go from tingling in my legs to numbness in my face to a body zap to, a funny smell to dizziness and it varies each day.. It's a shame there isn't a small group or something a coffee morning would be great!!!

12-08-15, 20:24
Thank you for your reply. I was wondering if you ever also feel 'hot' or burning type of sensations? Every once in a while I also get a fleeting spot of skin that feels like it's getting sunburn.
I wish I could believe this is from anxiety! I don't know how to convince myself...

12-08-15, 23:35
Yes I do get that and I also get really cold sensation too as if I have rubbed Vick on my skin... I am exactly like you about believing it is anxiety and am expecting the doctor to say sorry we didn't pick it up earlier as it is a really rare condition!!! Lol not a great way to be and I feel as if I am living on borrowed time as no doctor as said this is why you are feeling like this ... Lynn 😀