View Full Version : Stressing myself sick?

10-08-15, 03:57
So i've been posting here a lot lately which has actually helped me from not going to Dr. Google and easing my mind but before I found this website I was crazy stressed out over having something wrong with me and since I started to stress I've realized I have had super bad indigestion, acid reflux and stomach pain and constipation. Just wanted to know if any one else has dealt with this also. I'm coming to terms that this is what is making me sick (ex. chest pain and stomach pain) and not some terminal illness.

10-08-15, 05:52
Yes, I think you will find a lot of people have suffered what you are. The fight or flight process interacts with digestion and bowels so the longer you are anxious, the more likely it would seem we are to have further issues with these too. Thats doesn't mean anything serious, just that things like IBS, GERD, etc are common comorbid issues and a large part of helping those comes back to reducing our anxiety.