View Full Version : do you have a my space? Extremely BAD anxiety & de

05-02-07, 23:28
do you have a myspace? Extremely BAD anxiety & depression :-(

see photos of me & my family :-)


Extremely BAD anxiety & depression :-(

i have this panic attacks anxiety depression :-(
Its hard for me to have Faith & Hope when I keep getting this bad anxiety and it comes

with crying and shaking & depression - loss of apetite and faintness & horrible scared

feeling (afraid to be left alone, afraid of losing control & hot flashes Shaky, Sweaty &

negative thoughts - and fear - thought I was going crazy -I can't breathe, my heart races -

not able to sleep :-( i feel sick with the horrible feeling - allways anxious!
I'm tired of the pain, and despairing/losing hope -
I start to feel a bit better but within days its HELL again :-(
When will this nightmare be over?? I'm so scared that its not going to end? :-(
begun anti-depressants "Citalopram" 20 mg been on them for 4 weeks now and i dont

know if they are helping?
whats going on with me? how can i stop this?
so say its a hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid? i did have a blood test and it

come back all fine -?
Even when I have a good day its still there at the back of my mind knowing what's to

come. :-(
i went to see a Natural Healthcare lady - homeopathic & she said i do have a
hormonal imbalance and Overactive Thyroid and she will regulated to the normal speed

and imbalance my hormonal! but she did not say how long it will take?
love & hugs littlemissmuchafraid

im Trying to remain positive in such a negative situation ?

im going through A hard Time with panic attacks anxiety depression! :-(

I have been getting anxiety and panic attacks and depression for 10 years now.

It has never gone away, I just try to live with it.

I did try some pills a long time ago but they give me bad side effects so I stopped taking

Then was too scared to try any more. I cannot remember the name of them now.

Had some counselling in the past that helped a bit.

I have not much confidence in my self and feel like the odd one out most of the time
I Hate being on my own.

My childhood was not too great. Had a step dad that always put me down and hit me.

He would not let me go to school that much.
I have no education never had a job, Don’t drive, cannot Read and write too well all I do

right I get it spell checked for me.
I have been married for 6 years now but been together for 12 years I have a son, ten

years of age.

i always feel tense - on edge & anxiety & panicky - i feel stressed! All my muscles aches

and pains me :-( how can i relax?

chat soon Lisa :-)

MY FAMILY PHOTOS :-) thanks for your help and time god bless
