View Full Version : New HA... Leukaemia

10-08-15, 08:39
Hi all,

Well I've just come through two bouts of health anxiety. From November until January I thought I had heart disease due to palpitations and chest pains. After that, parasthaesia in my face, hands and feet made me convinced I had MS, but all tests have come back clear. Everything pointed to probable anxiety.

Back in July I had a big nasty bruise appear for no known reason on the back of my leg. Me being me I immediately Googled leukaemia, and consoled myself with not having any of the other symptoms, and it hasn't happened again (in fact I gave my leg a nasty whack during a walk and this only came up with a mild bruise). However over the last three weeks I've generalised aching pain in my joints, moving between my fingers and thumbs, wrists, arms, thighs, ankles, toes, calves and shoulders.

The logical part of me is saying this is all connected to my other anxiety symptoms, possibly something along the lines of fibromyalgia, and I have had some particularly tingly times with the parasthaesia during this time too, along with palpitations and IBS. It could also be aches and pains linked to a cold I've had. However while Googling the bruise I saw a symptom of leukaemia as bone pain and I can't shake this idea, even though I had loads of different blood tests for the paraesthesias between February and May and I'm sure something would have flagged up as odd if it was.

I'm getting sick of this - as soon as I start to relax and get used to a symptom as something annoying but not worth worrying about, something else appears. It's like playing whack-a-mole sometimes. :(

Gary A
10-08-15, 09:43
Leukemia is a cancer of the blood, if you had it, it would have shown up in one or all of the many blood tests you had. Your last test was only in May, there's no way it would have been missed.

10-08-15, 10:52
Yes it would have shown up in the blood tests. You have probably always had bruises but your anxiety makes you notice them more.

10-08-15, 12:53
Sometimes i discover bruises on my skin and i can`t remember when i got them, in fact, i didn`t pay so much attention then.
I bruise easily and i got used to it. So many times i`ve thought this has to be leukaemia. I have one blood test every year. or one in six months and that`s enough for me to know that i`m fine. You are too, because it deffinitely would have shown up

10-08-15, 12:53
Thanks both, as with all these things you know deep down things are very unlikely, it's just always good to get more reassurance. :)

10-08-15, 13:09
Thanks both, as with all these things you know deep down things are very unlikely, it's just always good to get more reassurance. :)

This is where I disagree. Reassurance is a behavior that actually throws a wrench into healing as it feeds the dragon. Getting to the point where your own self logic and reassurance quells the worry is the place to want to get to. Through therapy/CBT, one can learn to change their thought patterns and behaviors thus quelling the need for reassurance concerning your health worries.

Positive thoughts