View Full Version : Benzo for flying - follow up

11-08-15, 07:50
Hey all,

I did have requests to give feedback on how my first flights went following a prescription of 2x 2mg of diazapam. Actually, I am currently siting in the departure lounge for my return flight where I would usually be bricking it, thinking of alternative ways to go home etc. It has taken the edge off, but I must include, even though my flight here was 70% okay, 30% anxious thoughts, it has NOT cured my fear of flying. Everyday during the holiday, I was anxious however that could be due to my agoraphobia with panic disorder. But - defo more relaxed, much better than any other flights and I think I will request this for subsequent flights until I have the courage to face this head on. Overall, a good drug, not a miracle but defo worth it for taking the edge off. If anyone could offer further advice on higher doses, I would greatly appreciate it.

Many thanks & wish my luck...flight is at 8.55 your time!


14-08-15, 21:02
I'm flying on the 28th September, and hugely nervous about it. In fact I've been nervous about it for over a month now since we booked the flights.

I haven't flown in over 6 years.

It's a two hour flight to Mallorca, and I'm also very nervous about terrorist attacks as well. Generally, I'm ruining my holiday before I've even left my house :(

Was thinking of going to the Docs to see if they can help me. Your account here is really helpful and insightful so thank you.

How did the return flight go?

14-08-15, 21:39
I found Allan Carr's book about flying very helpful. After spending years without flying out if fear I started to fly again x

15-08-15, 14:19
Thanks for the replies

-Hi Aaron, funnily enough, my flight was to Majorca. The return flight was extremely pleasant, I can actually go as far to say I enjoyed it. Again, my flying anxiety has not disappeared but I can say with confidence, I will fly again. Definitely ask your docs, they said it is extremely common and he was more than happy to prescribe trial tablets too, all doctors are different but hopefully yours will be supportive. Any more questions, please do ask.

- Thanks Sial, I will defo look that up.

14-09-15, 21:42
You could also ask for propanalol, which is a beta blocker
Which reduces adrenaline
Many docs prescribe it for people sitting their driving test.!