View Full Version : scared to trust my dr

11-08-15, 08:22
Its one thing after another. Im now focused on a moderately enlarged tonsil which feels as though something stuck although cannot see anything. Iv been drshe agrees its bigger however said looks healthy the feeling i have could be something stuck behind even though he cannot see anything. He said hes not worried its tonsil cancer and said usually males who have smoked heavily over 50. Iv read that much online about tonsil assymetry meaning cancer and feeling of something stuck im terrified its being overlooked.

iv two young children all i think about is cancer and dying wen i should b enjoying life. Everyone in my family think im mad but all their tonsils are same both sides. It could have always been this way i dont know but cuz can feel something stuck im constantly checking. The size hasnt changed in three weeks but this feeling hasnt gone either.

please help so scared