View Full Version : I felt a swollen bump in the front of my neck.

11-08-15, 13:14
I wrote a few days ago about a pea sized bump in the back of my neck, well this morning i was touching and I felt a bump in the front of neck this time. And I am very very scared.

Yesterday morning I woke up with pain in my right breast, I don't know if its a clogged milk duct because I am breastfeeding.

But could the clogged milk duct, cause a lymph node to swell?

I'm very scared and can't smile or eat, and be happy, because I am so worried.

11-08-15, 14:10
we all have bumps and lumps. i went to the doctors for my throat lumps for years and nw i dont even think about them. it will pass just keep telling yourself 'i am happy and healthy' do it over and over and it feels frustrating cause you have these worries but i think your brain needs some positive re enforcement. just remember this will pass and you will be fine... nothing sinister is going off :)

11-08-15, 14:41
we all have bumps and lumps. i went to the doctors for my throat lumps for years and nw i dont even think about them. it will pass just keep telling yourself 'i am happy and healthy' do it over and over and it feels frustrating cause you have these worries but i think your brain needs some positive re enforcement. just remember this will pass and you will be fine... nothing sinister is going off :)

Thanks, I am trying to keep telling myself everything is fine, but its hard not to worry u know? :/ Especially when u think about the bump.

13-08-15, 14:49
I have a fibroadenoma in my breast (that biopsy was fun! yeah not really but i survived however) - I also have cysts and a lump (goiter) in my thyroid. It's not visible unless I'm laying down with my head turned a specific way - but you can feel it and it's very large. I did biopsies for those and they came back fine - still scary though! But medically I'm ok - I do get upset because it's in my body and it shouldn't be there. But as long as it's not harmful I have to remember to keep calm if it crosses my mind. I'm sure you are fine - probably just a small cyst you're feeling and yes you can get backed up breastfeeding - I actually had a couple cysts when I was around 17 in my breasts - got checked was ok - but it wasn't pleasant when I first found them. I'd see your doctor if anything just to ease your mind.