View Full Version : How?

06-02-07, 08:41
i was wondering how those people who are 100% insane get like that, like those people who are soo insane that they are just out of it and don't reply when you talk to them, they just look around and are very messed up, almost like there mentally retarted, the ones that are in instatutions and some are in wheelchairs.. How do people get like that?, or the people who have to go inside the big puffy white rooms so they wont hurt themselves?

Were those people normal once? or were they born that way, i just don't know how people can get that insane..but it feels like im on the verge of going that way....intanstly..like over night..its scary...my mind has been thinking strange.. im afraid im going to think myself insane

06-02-07, 09:28
Hi. Well I am no Doctor but I would think people with mental problems all have different stories to tell. Some will have a disease that has affected their mind, others may have seen or suffered something terrible, some may be in danger of harming themselves or others and some may be hearing voices. Don't forget people can also get brain damage caused by an accident. Even those who appear in a terrible way may respond to treatment and get better. So even when it looks really bad it may be just temporary.
People in wheelchairs do not necessarily have mental problems - some cannot speak or respond because of nerve damage or paralysis etc. Please do not assume someone in a wheelchair has mental problems. Many have perfectly functioning minds.
Please try not to be scared of going insane. Anxiety and depression feel awful, but they cannot make you insane. They say if you are worried about it, you can't be insane, because the insane don't know about it!
Hope this helps a bit.

Love shoegal xxx

06-02-07, 09:35
No i do not assume someone in a wheelchair has mental problem because there in a wheelchair...thats just wrong...

yes thank you it did help...

06-02-07, 18:04
i have felt pretty insane the last few days also, out of the blue. first it was insomnia, then my hands and feet tingling, then the tingling moved to my face and back and was accompanied by a sort of vibrating feeling all over my body, my head feels in a fog and ive had a hard time understanding what people are saying the first time they say it, and some things dont come out of my mouth correctly either. i also have been randomly bursting into tears and i even forgot to go to work yesterday ?!?!? i have never had this happen before and its pretty scary considering this has been going on for a full night and full day!!
anyway i just wanted to let you know i can understand you thinking you might be losing it because your not the only one!!!

~ * Ash * ~