View Full Version : Anxious when at home

11-08-15, 17:53
It feels ok when i`m somewhere out. eating out, drinking... But when i am at home, especially alone, i feel like i`m suffocating between the four walls. Sometimes it feels like i hate my own house. It`s where all my thoughts are attacking me. I`ve never had a panic attack out, only at home, only in my room. Can anyone relate?

11-08-15, 23:02
Hmmm sounds like you're subconsciously fearful of your own home. Can you not give if a bit of a spring clean; maybe a lick of paint, change furniture about, just make it different? Learn to love your home x

11-08-15, 23:47
Seems to me like you suffer in the same way all anxiety sufferers do. When you have nothing to distract your mind your thoughts turn internally and you feed it. You need to to accept it and then it will go.

16-08-15, 10:56
I can relate, especially because I spend so much time in my room compared with the rest of the house. I think, for me, it's because I'm distracted or preoccupied when I'm out, but this isn't usually the case when I get home.

Sometimes if I've had a nightmare or bad bout of sleep paralysis I actually sleep on the couch as I'm so reluctant to spend time in my room. I think it's a case of treating the anxiety generally; the less anxious you are, the less you will associate your room/house with being anxious and the more relaxed you'll hopefully feel there.

All the best.

17-08-15, 22:37
I`m trying to reorganize my room cause my room is the place where i get the most panic attacks. It still seems too depressive, but i hope it helps a bit.

17-08-15, 23:29
I was like this when I first started having panic attacks and anxiety symptoms, I always subside in my room usually alone, I spend most my time there though im not afraid of it, i find it my comfort zone, somewhere i can feel more relaxed and safe but the fact is cooping your self up in a room isn't going to serve you well at all in fact maybe its your body telling you to stop being in it as much, find somewhere you feel more relaxed and comfortable :)

18-08-15, 12:13
When my panic attacks and anxiety are at their worst, I feel worse in my own home, especially my living room for some reason. When I get really bad I would shut myself off in the spare room with just my laptop and would practically ignore my bf and any company we had but I felt ok going outside. To me that was so strange as for 6 months a few years ago, I was housebound due to anxiety and panics and my flat was my only safe place and for outside to become my safe place instead was quite unnerving.

20-08-15, 00:19
It feels ok when i`m somewhere out. eating out, drinking... But when i am at home, especially alone, i feel like i`m suffocating between the four walls. Sometimes it feels like i hate my own house. It`s where all my thoughts are attacking me. I`ve never had a panic attack out, only at home, only in my room. Can anyone relate?

Hi there, I find this fascinating, it's the opposite for me, I feel safe at home and anxiety stops me going out from time to time - I have had panic attacks at home (found myself sitting on the grass in my bra - because I felt suffocated, like I couldn't breath, that's why I took my top off!).

My panic attacks started 15 years ago suddenly after I lost my daughter to cancer, never had one before and boy did they plague me for many years. I have anxiety and depression, but I haven't had a panic attack in a long time, maybe even going into a year or so now, they are diminishing. I always tell myself "this WILL pass" whether it be my panic, anxiety or depression. All three are debilitating and all three are very different and give me very different symptoms. Right now I feel depressed and anxious together, but it will pass, it always passes and I will feel better at some point.