View Full Version : Social/public anxiety/fear or others' judgment!

11-08-15, 18:01
Hi everyone,

Strange one but this site has offered me some great support so thought I would see if anyone has some hints or tips for this one!

I'm a 26 year old female. For as long as I can remember I've suffered with really bad social/public anxiety. I have only suffered with the physical symptoms of anxiety (funny heart sensations, chest pain, breathing problems) for the last 3 years, but I have always felt really anxious out in public. I'm not agoraphobic and I don't have a phobia of going out, but I just feel really uneasy when I do. I can only explain it in saying that I feel like everyone is laughing at me when I'm out in public on my own? For example if I'm walking through town shopping, I have to have my phone in my hand at all times, pretending to text someone, and quite often I pretend to be on the phone having a telephone conversation with someone (unbelievably embarrassing) but I feel it is the only way to stop me feeling embarrassed on my own in public. I'm terrified of eating in public and sometimes won't even take a snack out of my bag to eat at my desk for fear of my colleagues watching me eat and thinking I look disgusting/fat (im a normal sized person)!. I have absolutely no self confidence and am constantly fearing what other people are thinking of me. I have a constant need to please people and even change my accent depending on who I'm talking to, without realising I'm doing it! I don't even breathe without a full face off make up on, I wouldn't dream of walking to the shops to buy milk without a full face on, and this has nothing to do with being vain but simply the opposite - I'm convinced that everyone will laugh their heads off at me and call me ugly, think that I'm ill if I don't cover my face in foundation. I even hide away from friends and family when im not wearing makeup, as im so scared that they'll all judge me and think im ugly. Its so upsetting and I wish I could be more confident and do what I want, when I want without worrying what people are thinking of me!

Is there anyone that feels in anyway similar, or has any advise on how to tackle this? I've had a course of CBT but didn't find it particularly helpful as I don't think I properly opened up to my councillor, who was one of the loveliest 60 year old men I have ever met, yet I was even afraid of him judging me as well!
Thank you in advance xx