View Full Version : Tummy unwell - Feeling nervous

11-08-15, 18:28
I've had an overall unwell feeling in my stomach for over a week now. Last week I did have (tmi) loose stools for 2 days, this was also before my period. I did have it bad as well the day off my period which I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to it but the fact that I had it a few days before it, is making me anxious. Now it's been 2 days since my period and I still seem to have the unwell feeling in my stomach, like I'm going to have to go to the bathroom any minute, but I never end up. My stools have been normal but this ill stomach feeling has not subsided.

About 3 weeks ago my supervisor came to work really ill with some type of stomach virus. He said all of his kids had it and his wife, including him. I don't know why he would've come to work so sick; I wish people would stay at home instead of getting everyone else sick. I was in and out of his office a few times and I feel like I may have caught whatever he had, except it's not as bad.

Last night I had trouble falling asleep because of the feeling in my stomach. I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me, I'm anxious and my body is more alert, or I may actually have a bug. But to have a bug for almost 2 weeks? I did eat pretty bad this weekend... lots of chocolate... I am a chocolate addict. I ended up having acid indigestion. But normally I eat VERY clean with an occasional indulgence. I drink plenty of water too.

I did have acid indigestion before 1.5 months ago which I went to my doctor about it. He took my blood and apparently there was nothing wrong because I never heard back from them. The receptionist at the desk told me that normally they don't call unless there's something off. This puts my mind a little at ease. I just had a nightmare last night about my stomach and I woke up really anxious about have the big C. Now I'm just a little on the edge :unsure:

12-08-15, 22:05
It could be a combination of things, like your period can cause upset tummy and chocolate causes me terrible tummy problems if i indulge, also worrying about catching or having the stomach bug might be making you anxious, if you go to the docs and they do a stool test that would show if you had gastroenteritis I think? When Ive been around someone with a bug it plays on my mind and for days I'm convinced I have it, it's like when someone mentions their child has nits and you immediately start itching lol sometimes its that worry about it causing the problems is that makes any sense! I do hope you feel better soon!