View Full Version : Negative and depressive thoughts

11-08-15, 18:36
Hi, haven't been on here a while, suffered with anxiety for years, health, had every type of anxiety, under lots of pressure in work, feel useless, no self esteem, hate myself, been going to as for last 6 months as I think I'm a alcoholic too, though I have never drunk daily, heavy binges, last couple of days having suicidal thoughts regularly, and feeling really low, I'm also working away from home which isn't helping, I'm on Valium, citalipram, pregablin and amisulpride prescribed by a psychiatrist, I've got kids to live for who I love to bits, any help or advice appreciated, damian

11-08-15, 21:44
Hang in there Damian. You're going to feel like crap after binge drinking so ride it out and get it out of your system. I gave it up years ago. It's an easy goto to relieve the low/anxious mood but it never helps. I'd start by just packing in drinking. I don't drink now so I try to raise my baseline with exercise, good nutrition etc it's better than the ups and downs of drinking.

Have you had any sort of therapy to get to the bottom of why you feel so anxious and low ?

Solve one problem at a time or it can feel overwhelming. Give it time, start ticking them off the list and things can improve.

11-08-15, 23:29
Hey Damien, I'm really sorry you are going through such a difficult time. I'm glad your children are a positive in your life to keep you pushing through this.

You should call your doctor if you are feeling suicidal or the emergency line ... Something to consider is alcohol is a depressant, so if you are drinking in large amounts - even if not daily - it can really counteract any benefits from an antidepressant and make you feel more depressed. Good news is you realize it's a problem and are looking for help!!

11-08-15, 23:53
Been there mate where did we go wrong ???? .... i,m back on here after years away ....i beat it last time and will again .

Alcohol is great as a quick fix ( NOT) as the anxiety hits you like a sledge hammer in the morning does it not .

I drink to get rid of anxiety / depression but the meds like citralapram are not absorbed as well if you drink .

The way i,m coping this time is to tell bar steward it wont win and do everything in my tool box from last to kick the bugger in the teeth and red card it :redcard:

Grasp anything you can to distract yourself , 2 minutes doing something you enjoy to give the mind a break could be 3 minutes in a few days time ...does that make sense ?

Somehow imvho our minds have to be shifted from these constant thoughts of dread etc , every second away from them is a point scored in our favor and a bullet to destroy it with

Best wishes


12-12-15, 05:59

You should calm down and reflect for a moment, think of your children and make them as an inspiration. There is still hope just hang on and fight.

I urge you not to rely solely on the medication and if you may, please include therapy as well. CBT would be ideal.

Also include meditation and positive thinking. Anxiety and depression will take control of how you think and you should beat it by getting that control back.

Don't give up and continue surviving. If you need any help or anyone to talk to just chat us up. Let's help each other out. :D

15-12-15, 13:51
I have Anxiety and Depression ( as part of BiPolar ) and I can get alongside a lot of what you are saying. I like the idea of taking your children as an inspiration from Ray, that feels like a good thing to try.
The one thing I haven't really ever had ( fortunately ) is suicidal ideation, I would try and treat that as an interloper, devil on your shoulder and do your utmost to shun it. Taking control is the right thing to do but its really hard. Thoughts of our uselessness are fantasy, we are all worthy and capable of stuff, even when we feel we are not Im told the facts are we still are. try and access those feelings, perhaps through mindfulness ( I know its hard hard hard )
If at crisis then please please talk to someone/folks, get crisis help