View Full Version : What would you do?

11-08-15, 22:32
About to go on holiday for two weeks on Monday.

Have had worries about cervical cancer for a while - fuelled mainly by pelvic, hip and leg pain, very occasional bleeding and increased discharge. Had borderline smear in January but no HPV so put back on 3 year smear and told not to worry by doctor.

Doctor has referred me to physio for pelvic pain and also had several months of CBT. During this time I tried to avoid going back to GP and keep rational. But symptoms haven't disappeared and this weekend had brown discharge (which may not have been helped by missing a couple of pills about fortnight ago - bloody lost luggage!) As well as increased leg and pelvic pain.

I feel convinced that is something more serious and painful lymph nodes (I think!) Over last few days making me worry even more!

Have doctors appointment provisionally booked for Friday am so I can get some advice/raise my concerns before going away. But now starting to worry what if she finds something in any examination or she takes a test and then calls me when I'm away with some results. Flip side is if I leave it 2 weeks will I feel irresponsible for delaying seeking advice if something turns out to be wrong? Can't decide whether to go or postpone. What would you do? What is rational thing to do? X

12-08-15, 08:36

12-08-15, 10:22
All your Dr would do if she was worried was refer you to gyny Drs so you would not be getting any appt when you are on holiday. Even if she did a repeat smear and I am not sure she is allowed anyway the results would not come back in days its often week or more.

If you are hpv free then the chances of you getting cervical cancer are very very tiny. A young friend of mine has tested postiive for hpv and she now has to have smears every year.

So me personally would go the Dr appt. explain your fears and your symptoms and ask what can be done to put your mind at rest over cervical cancer. Talk to your Dr and hopefully she can help calm you.

then go and enjoy your hoilday!