View Full Version : after days of happenes,anxiety crept back into my life

11-08-15, 23:31
After a couple of good weeks of feeling good and happy,the anxiety has slowley each day been building up to a point now i feel shit..my depression is back to its normal pace to..and iv got this face pain back which i havnt had for weeks,it only normaly comes when my anxiety is high..its like iv been smaked in the face with a giant hand and makes my teath hurt to all down one side..and this makes me feel depressed.i have some good things to look forward to..iv aplied for a job,im working volentary in a shop three days a week,and im seeing my daughter every two weeks.in fact iv got her for another 6 days next week and she is staying in my birthday..so why am i still feeling crap with all this good stuff going on..

11-08-15, 23:37
Greg, you have made so much progress in the past few years and have truly come such a long way. You really have a lot to be proud of. It's human to feel down once in a while. If we didn't feel down, we would never know what happiness is. People without anxiety and depression feel anxious and sad sometimes. It's important to look at the big picture instead of focus on just the bad.

I am going to play devil's advocate for a minute and hope this doesn't come across wrong. I have noticed that when you get into a good swing, you become really depressed or seem to backslide right after. I'm not sure what that's about, maybe you have more insight into it. It's like if one thing triggers you, you get very focused on that and get very depressed and down on yourself. Something that might be interesting would be keeping a "positives log" daily so you can take a look back when you are feeling down and SEE all the good for yourself so that you don't get stuck in the bad.

The more we push something away and don't want it, the more it pushes back. It's like the saying "Don't think about a big pink elephant." And you automatically do. If you are constantly fighting and beating yourself up for feeling normal human things, it will suck you down like quicksand. If you can say "Well, I am in a bad mood and depressed but I have made a lot of progress and will feel better soon" it takes away that extra layer of suffering and self-criticism that you add on.

Hope that makes sense.

11-08-15, 23:44
I agree you've made some positive steps. That being said, I can't help but think that the forum is not doing you a positive service. By posting and dwelling on things (Rarely are you not logged on), I see it as a negative effect on your psyche. Just my opinion and one I know will be dismissed and countered but I felt I needed to say what I see and feel.

Positive thoughts

11-08-15, 23:53
What do you think has made you feel this way again? Like has there been a trigger?

12-08-15, 00:00
Not sure if there has been a trigger..last time i had my daughter for 8 days i felt great,and even after she went back home i felt good for a several days after but then just slowly started to feel the anxiety and depresion creeping back and has just slowly picked up speed to the point im at now..fishman i can see what you are saying but the idea of this forum is to post when you are feeling down,thats why i do....i try to stay away but the mental health comes back and feel the need to talk on hear

12-08-15, 00:32
I dunno about you but I can't seem to relax anymore; I have to constantly occupy myself to stop the panic from creeping in and it's exhausting.

12-08-15, 09:25
Pepperpot.i did feel relaxed a few weeks ago when i had my daughter for 8 solid days,and for a few days after that.first time in many months,thought i was on the mend,but how wrong was i because i now feel my usual self and tence and agitated....i miss that warm feeling

12-08-15, 10:02
It's weird isn't it cos you want to recreate it, but you don't know how to. Bloody anxiety aghhhhh

12-08-15, 10:30
Yep id love to be able to do that..as you say,anxiety ,will it ever go

12-08-15, 12:48
fishman i can see what you are saying but the idea of this forum is to post when you are feeling down,thats why i do....i try to stay away but the mental health comes back and feel the need to talk on hear

This is exactly what I thought you'd say. My point stands as you're at work now and still logged in (yeah yeah, it's a slow shop and they don't mind...). Yes, this is a forum for posting about mental health fears and issues. I agree it's cathartic to write things out and it's comforting to know that there are others that understand and sympathize BUT... IMO it's much more for you. The boards while they can be helpful are not a source of the professional help that's needed to help you. Again, IMO, after 5 years posting, I believe this goes much deeper than the "need to talk" and is perpetuating your problems.

Good luck to you Greg. I truly hope you find the path to healing.

Positive thoughts

12-08-15, 19:56
How did the therapy go on Tuesday, Greg? I take it not very well?

12-08-15, 20:05
I agree you've made some positive steps. That being said, I can't help but think that the forum is not doing you a positive service. By posting and dwelling on things (Rarely are you not logged on), I see it as a negative effect on your psyche. Just my opinion and one I know will be dismissed and countered but I felt I needed to say what I see and feel.

Positive thoughts

I actually said the same thing to Greg a few weeks ago, and like you it was meant to be helpful.

15-08-15, 14:42
Hi Greg, How are you feeling today? You have your daughter coming to stay again this week so I am sure that will help lift your mood again. I understand why you come on hear to post and I would do the same. Not easy when you have no one else around to talk to about it and I think it helps a lot to talk to others who understand. I hope the weather stays good so you can get some nice days out with your daughter, if not there are plenty of indoor activities to do...I hope you both have a fun time :)

16-08-15, 10:15
Thankyou annie for suporting me to be on NMP.as it goes,i find coming on hear helps a lot,as yiu say annie,i dont have anyone to talk to about my thoughts and provlems,so i will continue to come on hear for as long as i feel it helps me,i find this place to be a big support and helps to get things off my chest..anyway,yes im having my girl for 6 days from monday and for the first time in 2 years iv got her on my birthday this coming sat.so she has birthday plans for me..i also have my older brother and his two kids staying at mine mon and tue night and my niece .so will be a housfull.then tue we all going ice skating..that all i have planed .cant aford to do anything eles.so next few days just chill out .few indoor games etc..

16-08-15, 13:25
Hi Greg, glad to hear you feel a bit better what with looking forward to your family coming. I personally feel coming on here can help too, although sometimes some of the posts do make me worse than I already am. It's each to their own and if it helps you then that's good. If people don't want to hear you talk about your troubles then they can do what I do; ignore the threads that they don't want to read.

We have friends coming over to stay in a couple of weeks. I'm quite anxious about it as we have little money, but we decided we are going to try and do some free things or things that cost little, such as a barbecue on the beach and picnics in the park. Have you tried the website www.dayoutwiththekids.co.uk? It's ace.

16-08-15, 14:18
Hi pepperpot..thanks for your suport on my thread..i agrea some people should not post on my thread if they dont like what i put out there.i find this site really helps,its helping right now,just knowing someone is talking to me...got a busy week starting tomorow with my daughter and brother and his two girls and my niece..all staying for two nights,bit anxious about it as is chaos when that many people staying in my flat..iv put letters through my neaubours doors to warn them that ill be making some noise for a couple of days...sounds like you are a bit like me being anxious about visitors,but as long as you have things planed you will be distracted..hope you have a lovely time and yiu enjoy yourself..thanks for the link ill look into that..thanks for your suport.x

16-08-15, 14:27
We have 2 visitors from USA staying with us until Wednesday and it makes me more anxious. They have gone out for the day today so I can 'chill' a bit :) need to make dinner for them getting back later.

16-08-15, 14:41
Allow me to make something very clear. I and no one else is suggesting that they don't like what you're posting Greg.

What I am saying is that it's very apparent that you're feeding your anxiety and going around and around in circles.

If you want to take an observation as an attack then that's on you. I took the time to read through your posts. While there has been some progress now and again, the other side of the coin is that you're in a cycle that doesn't appear to be breaking. There are patterns to your posts that are blatantly obvious and I'm not the only one that sees them. Bringing that to your attention is in an attempt to help you see the pattern and perhaps take action to break it! It's like I saw that you had quit drinking and smoking for years and had very recently taken it up again. There have been times I pointed out the detriment to your anxiety and depression and you've pretty much dismissed it and continued on the same path. Of course, if you're Ok with the way things are then just tell me to piss off.

I stand by my statement that your posting behavior is just feeding your anxiety and depression and it keeps you focused on the negatives. The sympathy (I won't call it support because it's just a form of reassurance) you receive keeps you in the cycle. That cycle is five years running.

I'll say it once more. Posting your fears and feelings is cathartic and it's comforting to know you're not alone BUT... it's not a replacement for professional help. Speaking of which, you never told us how the session went last Tuesday.

Positive thoughts

16-08-15, 17:12
Greg, hope you didn't take my post offensively. I don't mind what you post, I tried to think it through and word what I was saying in a thoughtful way in an effort to be helpful. If it wasn't, as Fishmanpa said, let me know and I won't say it again. Sometimes noticing patterns in our moods and behaviors can be enlightening and help us make some changes to feel better, which I think is all anybody wants for you. Hope you start to feel better soon.

17-08-15, 00:14
At the risk of it being taken the wrong way, I have a question: Is it wrong to think that we are each others' eyes and ears? That we should have the guts to help others by holding up a mirror so that they can see where they are defeating themselves? Let me share that if all I had got on here was reassurance that I was in good company, and/or had a right to my fears or what have you, then I would probably have eventually concluded, "oh, well, that's it then, it is to be expected that no matter what I try, I am always going to end up in this same miserable place. I mean, so many people are chiming in that they are stuck too! ... And regardless of what I tell them, the answer is always the same, "you know the (insert self-defeating behaviour here) doesn't help, but oh, I do get why you do it! Anxiety is too hard sometimes." What else is there for me to try? ... This is coming from someone who knows that time warp all too well, Greg. No one can get out of it on their own. No one. I won that battle, but the first step was letting go of the rock that keep pulling me under ... Some of us are saying, let go of the rock, Greg. This is meant to help.

With this depression I have, I wanted to hear on NMP that there was hope for me, so long as I kept fighting for it. Turns out it wasn't just what I wanted, but what I needed to hear. Along with that came a whole lot of advice that really has helped, from accepting the side effects of my medication as just that, and has to be gotten through first; persisting in positive thinking, it can be done; and, if I couldn't manage to get some exercise, then at least to ensure I tried some supplements and eating and sleeping habits that had helped others. It has taken months, but I do feel much better!

So nowadays, I think if some long-timer on here, who was coping better than me, suggested that I was perhaps stuck in a rut and wasn't hearing what I needed to hear to progress, I would have to hear them out. No one is suggesting you have to stop being a member, Greg. I don't believe you need reassurance about that, I think you know you have a "right" to be here. What I believe FMP is suggesting is that you have a right to get better and that simply posting threads on here is not doing it for you. Good that you know you are not alone, yes, but that doesn't really help beyond that, does it? Everyone has done their best to reassure you that they understand how you feel. The keys to getting well don't seem to lie there, though. You keep winding back up in the same place, no one is saying you are a bad person because of that, someone has just suggested that what you keep doing is clearly not working.

Do you need more time spent with people who have some strategies you can try? What do you think? What about getting in with groups who meet to talk about how things are going, and whose lives don't include drinking? May I suggest that part of your being stuck is that you are lonely, and have too much time spent without the company of others to cheer your spirits? Misery loves company, they say. But I say, so does healthy desire for friendship. Real, offline, friendship, however tentative. Nurtured into caring relationships. I think that THAT is the kind of company you have a right to be a part of, and moreover, what you need to get better. We all do! And you are no less deserving. Good for you FMP for seeing that in our Greg! xo

17-08-15, 01:34
Is there still very little in your area, Greg? It's just I recall you are a bit out of the way of local services. I'm just thinking of the practicalities that can often prevent people moving forward.

Don't worry, there is no obligation to discuss your therapy. Do that if you feel comfortable with it. Their opinion being the professional one is very important so you could always talk to them about what is being questioned here and get their take.

17-08-15, 05:33
I always hear about people saying triggers however the way my dr described it to me was people with GAD don't necessarily need a trigger. I for one have constant symptoms all throughout the day no Matter what the circumstances may be. I know everyone is different though.

17-08-15, 07:05
I always hear about people saying triggers however the way my dr described it to me was people with GAD don't necessarily need a trigger. I for one have constant symptoms all throughout the day no Matter what the circumstances may be. I know everyone is different though.

I agree, Jules, I've always been the same. An event can be a trigger for me, as can an argument or something else that raises the adrenaline but my GAD was the 24/7 non stop version so events were really just adding more anxiety to the current unbearable state I was in.

I can remember my CBT therapist asking "what can be we do to raise your anxiety levels" and I replied "just waking up". She really wanted to perform a Behavioural Experiment to bring additional anxiety on, but it was what first sprang to my mind because I felt like you, endlessly anxious.

It does change the more you recover though. I haven't got rid of it and some days it is more present than others, but I'm a million miles away from the quivering wreck sitting on the settee jumping all day long and dreading even brushing my teeth or having a wash let alone anything bigger.

17-08-15, 07:29
Hi Jules,

My way of thinking about it is that, in GAD (at least for me), the anxiety goes looking for and finds the triggers. If you think about it, everyone has umpteen things they could be worried about (health, relationships, family, work, study ...), but most people put them out of their minds and sail on through.

A person with GAD may feel anxious for no particular reason, but a bit of searching around soon finds a reason, or several.

17-08-15, 08:14
I stand by my statement that your posting behavior is just feeding your anxiety and depression and it keeps you focused on the negatives. The sympathy (I won't call it support because it's just a form of reassurance) you receive keeps you in the cycle. That cycle is five years running.

I disagree on support vs reassurance. I don't think that we would all agree on this one since positive support in talking to Greg about his situation and how to look at it from a healthier angle is something you would get in any support group and from a therapist. Disagree with that all you wish, but that knackers the charity support groups & CBT for a start if you are right.

I know I don't give Greg sympathy, I regard that as a negative and inappropriate anyway since I would be effectively pittying him for his situation and I'm in no position to do that nor would consider it.

Furthermore I don't see how Greg has dismissed the smoking situation as he tried to give up and couldn't do it. I think you are being a little unfair there but I know based on my history of talking to you that you will never see that. I think that element and alcohol was introduced for impact and Greg is entitled to make his own choices and we have to accept that, it's a forum and no one has to take any advice we give so we have to practice some acceptance ourselves and not become frustrated, as is showing.

blue moon
17-08-15, 08:36
Hi Jules,

My way of thinking about it is that, in GAD (at least for me), the anxiety goes looking for and finds the triggers. If you think about it, everyone has umpteen things they could be worried about (health, relationships, family, work, study ...), but most people put them out of their minds and sail on through.

A person with GAD may feel anxious for no particular reason, but a bit of searching around soon finds a reason, or several.

I agree hanshan,there is alway's some trigger that sets off anxiety :)

17-08-15, 09:45
How's tricks today Greg?

17-08-15, 09:48
Greg when you are ill like this all you can do is keep plugging away,it worked for me ,it took a while but worked.Keep going ,keep doing the right things and reaching out for support and things will work out for you

17-08-15, 12:44
At the risk of it being taken the wrong way, I have a question: Is it wrong to think that we are each others' eyes and ears? That we should have the guts to help others by holding up a mirror so that they can see where they are defeating themselves? Let me share that if all I had got on here was reassurance that I was in good company, and/or had a right to my fears or what have you, then I would probably have eventually concluded, "oh, well, that's it then, it is to be expected that no matter what I try, I am always going to end up in this same miserable place. I mean, so many people are chiming in that they are stuck too! ... And regardless of what I tell them, the answer is always the same, "you know the (insert self-defeating behaviour here) doesn't help, but oh, I do get why you do it! Anxiety is too hard sometimes." What else is there for me to try? ... This is coming from someone who knows that time warp all too well, Greg. No one can get out of it on their own. No one. I won that battle, but the first step was letting go of the rock that keep pulling me under ... Some of us are saying, let go of the rock, Greg. This is meant to help.

With this depression I have, I wanted to hear on NMP that there was hope for me, so long as I kept fighting for it. Turns out it wasn't just what I wanted, but what I needed to hear. Along with that came a whole lot of advice that really has helped, from accepting the side effects of my medication as just that, and has to be gotten through first; persisting in positive thinking, it can be done; and, if I couldn't manage to get some exercise, then at least to ensure I tried some supplements and eating and sleeping habits that had helped others. It has taken months, but I do feel much better!

So nowadays, I think if some long-timer on here, who was coping better than me, suggested that I was perhaps stuck in a rut and wasn't hearing what I needed to hear to progress, I would have to hear them out. No one is suggesting you have to stop being a member, Greg. I don't believe you need reassurance about that, I think you know you have a "right" to be here. What I believe FMP is suggesting is that you have a right to get better and that simply posting threads on here is not doing it for you. Good that you know you are not alone, yes, but that doesn't really help beyond that, does it? Everyone has done their best to reassure you that they understand how you feel. The keys to getting well don't seem to lie there, though. You keep winding back up in the same place, no one is saying you are a bad person because of that, someone has just suggested that what you keep doing is clearly not working.

Do you need more time spent with people who have some strategies you can try? What do you think? What about getting in with groups who meet to talk about how things are going, and whose lives don't include drinking? May I suggest that part of your being stuck is that you are lonely, and have too much time spent without the company of others to cheer your spirits? Misery loves company, they say. But I say, so does healthy desire for friendship. Real, offline, friendship, however tentative. Nurtured into caring relationships. I think that THAT is the kind of company you have a right to be a part of, and moreover, what you need to get better. We all do! And you are no less deserving. Good for you FMP for seeing that in our Greg! xo

Thank you for so eloquently reiterating my point SNM.

Positive thoughts

17-08-15, 23:05
I understand that having a streak of good days can feel amazing then having to enter back into the gloom leaves you feeling fed up like it's endless... What you need to do is look back on them weeks and really think... "Why was I feeling as happy as i was then and not now?" What/who was surrounding you those weeks? What was you doing? What did you eat? All these sort of questions could help you find out why you keep slipping back into anxiety, perhaps get counseling if you don't already

18-08-15, 00:19
Good advice, Sl1nky, it can help to look at what you are actively doing that is helping when you feel better vs what you are/are not doing when you are feeling poorly. Even tracking your moods in a journal with what you are doing, who you are with, etc can help if it's hard to remember.

18-08-15, 00:37
Good advice, Sl1nky, it can help to look at what you are actively doing that is helping when you feel better vs what you are/are not doing when you are feeling poorly. Even tracking your moods in a journal with what you are doing, who you are with, etc can help if it's hard to remember.

Yes! A journal or a personal blog is a great way to get your feelings and thoughts out. When I was in therapy for depression and "scanxiety", my therapist had me do that and we would go over it in our sessions and discuss. As was said, it can give you a perspective as to where you're at and where you've been.

One can see this here in post histories. There are too many examples to mention but those that have been here know what I mean. The other side of the coin is one can also see where progress is being hindered and hopefully act on it and make the changes necessary to continue on the healing road.

Positive thoughts

18-08-15, 09:26
Hi Blue Moon,

Actually, I think I was trying to say something a bit different, that in GAD the anxiety basically comes about of its own accord. People can't believe that they are anxious for no reason, so they go looking for reasons, and it's easy to find plenty (life being less than perfect). It's a case of a moving cart looking for a horse.

26-08-15, 22:24
Thankyou annie for suporting me to be on NMP.as it goes,i find coming on hear helps a lot,as yiu say annie,i dont have anyone to talk to about my thoughts and provlems,so i will continue to come on hear for as long as i feel it helps me,i find this place to be a big support and helps to get things off my chest..anyway,yes im having my girl for 6 days from monday and for the first time in 2 years iv got her on my birthday this coming sat.so she has birthday plans for me..i also have my older brother and his two kids staying at mine mon and tue night and my niece .so will be a housfull.then tue we all going ice skating..that all i have planed .cant aford to do anything eles.so next few days just chill out .few indoor games etc..

Yes .....you should be able to come on here anytime you need to , other members pointing out you are always online means they are also :whistles:

If it helps you by taking your mind off things and you feel better for it do it , what some people try and state as fact in there post should really end it IMHO because thats all it is there personal experience and opinion

27-08-15, 04:53

Just think about the things you are doing (that even I know about) such as:

- re-established contact with your daughter, have her over regular and now over longer periods, etc.
- working in a charity shop 3 days a week which must have been hard for you as you have always talked about finding it hard to talk to people.
- Looking for work. Thats daunting for many people.
- Had a go at giving up smoking. You were ok at first but it became too much and a different strategy is needed. It's easy for people to say "then give up" but not many smokers or ex smokers would agree.
- You are working on reducing your meds. 2 attempts at least that I know of and you researched a new strategy as the one from the mental health team wasn't appropriate.
- Having people to stay, changing your sleeping arrangements which bothered you at first but then you handled it well and this is a big problem area for you.

6 months ago I can't remember you having all that. Thats an achievement. Remember that. As MrAndy said, small steps & little bits until you get there, it's not a race. All that matters is recovering and no two people are the same so no one can put a timescale on any of this.

28-08-15, 05:33
Yes .....you should be able to come on here anytime you need to , other members pointing out you are always online means they are also :whistles:

A few months back a guy was PMing me as we had spoke before. He then sent me a couple asking why I wasn't responding and whether he had offended me in some way. At the time I was out shopping so wasn't using the internet but he saw me as online on NMP. I have around 40-50 tabs open in my browser and NMP is one of them so I guess that because my phone is on, I show as online but I'm not.

Even when I'm on my laptop in the night I have 30+ tabs open across 4-5 windows at a time and more. But it doesn't mean I'm on NMP unless you see me posting or I'm in & out of different webpages.

Something to think about there...:whistles:

28-08-15, 11:42
To many to reply to individual so a big thankyou to all the advice..NMP has been a great help to me,its like my social network and the only place where i can talk openly about my health and people understand..yes many things have changed for me over a few months,seeing my daughter getting vol job getting out of my flat more,but still feel the need for NMP friends as iv been coming hear for such a long time now.and when the day comes and im better,i will still come hear to suport others and post positive thoughts to others..thanks guys.x

28-08-15, 12:16
Hi Greg,

I've just started posting again after a long time away. Glad to hear you're doing so much better and now see your daughter on a regular basis.

We've spoken before about Trazodone, I was on it for a long time but came off it as it did nothing for my anxiety. Before you think about reducing or stopping meds please sure you speak to your GP or mental health team. I got off trazodone with no problems it was a breeze compared to the SSRI withdrawals!!

28-08-15, 12:25
youve come a long way in the last 6 months Greg ,you should be proud of what you have acheived

28-08-15, 12:50
Welcome back bernie glad to hear you are off the traz.im still on 200mg at night but have reduced my olanzipine from 5mg to 2mg at night.i olan to come off this completly in time,then ill takle the traz and come down on that.hope things are well with you...thanks andy,yep have come along way in 6 months,there is still a big hill to climb,but im taking small steps at a time.hope your doing well andy,weather crap hear so makes the days dull..cant wait to get some more sunshine again

28-08-15, 12:54
yes the weathers crap everywhere in the UK ,I want to get out on my motorbike but it keeps bloody raining :)

28-08-15, 12:58
Yea dont blame you for that mate..nice weather out on the bike,you cant beet it..i miss my bike,when i sold it 4 years ago i could have cried,lol...GSXR 750 red,i had a M4 exaust on her,dino tuned it was fast and look the nuts mate

28-08-15, 13:00
It's lovely and sunny in Yorkshire Greg :shades:

28-08-15, 13:03
How long have you been on this lower dose, Greg? How did you find it compared to when you tried before?

I think it's great that you have achieved this because when you tried before it knocked your sleep off and affected you badly so whilst I knew you were giving a new method you researched a go I didn't realise you achieved it. Well done mate :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 13:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ----------

yes the weathers crap everywhere in the UK ,I want to get out on my motorbike but it keeps bloody raining :)

Keep your fingers crossed, its started off a lovely sunny day for me and I'm not many miles north of you in the land of the oatcake. :D

28-08-15, 13:26
I had it from new 4 years old and still mint condition

---------- Post added at 13:26 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

Good for you bernie with your weather,it has picked up hear abou now,sun out but a bit breezy tho..terry its been a few weeks now since i reduced my meds,i have some nights where my sleep isnt great but sticking to it now,few days of more anxiety etc but through the worse of it now i think

29-08-15, 05:05
So, have you been weathering this on your own then?

You know that face pain down one side, it could be from clenching or grinding. Was it worse when you woke in the morning and have you been clenching or grinding that you know of?

It's great that you have done this. Your attitude to your sleep seems to have changed too because before if anything messed it up you struggled and wanted out.

29-08-15, 11:03
Cheers terry.yes done it on my own mate and sticking with it..as for the face pain,i dont get it that often,but when i get it,it just turns on at any point of the day.i get it on my left side as well as my right,but most of all i get it on my right...my ear will go hot and the whole side of my face will have pain encludung the tip of my nose and chin.its hard to explain realy,other than,it feels like iv been slaped on one side of my face,it efects my eye and forhead..i was told a long time ago it was neurouger but i dont beleave that,because when i get it my depression becomes worse...it was realy bad a few years ago when i was in my relationship,every stressful situation triggered it off,and that was very often.it can last for hrs or even a few days,then just switches off..i think its some kind of stress related thing

30-08-15, 04:07
Well done mate. Reducing any med can bring side effects and changes in anxiety levels or mood alterations so it's probably worth seeing how things progress. Sometimes things happen once but it's the patterns we need to be more wary of and spend time working on.

It's just another good thing to add to the list of positives that you are bringing to your threads. Keep them coming!

It could be a muscular tension thing which is very common in times of stress but we get it more with anxiety. Relaxation techniques help with this such as Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) so that you learn when you are tensing and how to untense them.

There are nerves running all up the face so pinching them even through posture (e.g. leaning on your hand at a desk) can bring things like this on.

30-08-15, 12:13
Yep you are right there terry,loads of nervs running through the face so as you say could pevmany things that cause it thankfully i dont get it that often ,but it was at its worse when i was with my wife ,it was most days ,then as soon as we seperated,it a calmed down...very strange mate

31-08-15, 04:31
It's like a food intolerance thing mate, you are allergic to women :D <runs for cover. :sofa::D>

If it happens when reducing or upping, starting or withdrawing from meds then I would not consider it an issue unless it keeps happening as it can be the meds. It could also be that the anxiety the meds cover up is showing more but you will work that out from how you react to things and how you feel in general.

I guess all the things to make us relax more and cutting down on reactions if going to be a useful thing to do.