View Full Version : A few weeks of hell

12-08-15, 07:47

Am so grateful for this site. it is helping me get through some yucky days. My meds were upped three weeks ago and i have been going through hell. From 20 mg of Prozac to 4omg. I had been on 20 mg for over two years but the depression was still there and having spoken to the psychiatrist he suggested i up my dosage and see how I go. Past few days have been slightly better. Waking up with the anxiety which I then say " sod it" and kind of bound out of bed hoping to leave the anxiety asleep.. Jittery and agitated which is always fun as you feel like you are clanging everywhere. The worst aspect is that none of my family know I am on prozac so, it is hard, as they dont know why I have suddenly become a recluse. I have lost weight as well but am slowly feeling like eating. I know it takes time. I know we have to go through it. God are we strong!! Prozac has helped me a lot though. I am hopeful that I will start feeling more " with it" and less like a stupid depressed woman . Just reading this site makes me feel less alone. Knowing that people can understand means a great deal.

12-08-15, 08:37
Hi Blingkasa,

Stick with it. Being depressed doesn't mean you are stupid, even if it feels that way. Anxiety can come and go during the day, so it's good to know the danger points and ways of getting by them.

12-08-15, 09:12
Yeah, there is a pattern. Mornings are just awful. I read here the other day someone wrote " Sleep is safe" and I know that feeling. I find anticipating the day scary and wonder what " demands" will be made of me, or, who do i have to talk to? The thought of social interaction makes me feel nervous. I am hoping it will taper off as its just three weeks now. The jittery agitated feelings come and go. Lesser but still there. Keep going. There is always a brighter side.