View Full Version : Ideas needed for calming down

12-08-15, 10:22
Hi all,

I have the lump in the throat that feels like it's restricting my breathing. I usually take big gulps of water to assure myself I can still breathe but I still panic then this goes into a full blown attack. I looked at one thread where the poster said she looked at a YouTube vid and I had a look; I did try the exercises but I don't feel they help too much. Any ideas what I can do?

Also, I'm looking for some good podcasts/mp3s/vids on relaxation; this can be just in general or the ones that help you go to sleep.

Thanks in advance x

13-08-15, 00:53
When I get specific symptoms of my anxiety -- mine are usually chest pains or tightness -- I try to not fix it... like I do anything to get my mind off of myself. A funny video sometimes helps or reading jokes online. Sometimes I'll send a "thinking of you" type text to some friends... stuff like that. My therapist also gave the suggestion to write or record affirmations to myself (This is just panic, there is nothing wrong with me, I am going to come out stronger... that kind of thing).

I like TheHonestGuys on YouTube. (I hope I can mention specific names -- I don't know them, I just enjoy their videos).

Let us know what worked for you. You can do this!!!

17-08-15, 04:04
As crazy as it may sound, try falling into the feeling. Try to just relax, lay down, maybe listen to something like meditation music, it used to always work when I was going through a phase when I thought I was gonna die at any second. Try to assure yourself nothing will happen, this is all just your anxiety messing with you, and if it makes you feel better keep someone around you or a phone if you feel like you could call emergency incase of the extremely low chance something were to happen. My favorite person to listen to is Teal Swan, she tackles subjects like these alot. Have a good day, hope you can get over it.

17-08-15, 11:14
I usually try and calm down through the breath, deep abdominal breathing. I inhale slowly, ballooning out my belly while I mentally count 23, 24, 25, hold the breath, and then exhale to '23, 24, 25, 26.' These are just random numbers I've chosen, but what's important is that you make the inhalation deep and long and the exhalation longer than the inhalation. If you exercise deep breathing prior to the attack, your anxiety levels will not go up so much so that you will experience a full blown panic attack, which is why I try and breathe deeply when my anxiety is still low.

Also, exercise helps keep my anxiety in check. Cardio workouts work best for me as you get to rid yourself of some of that excess energy that has the potential in channelling itself into a panic attack.
Massage helps as well. You can even give yourself a scalp or foot massage if you don't fancy spending money on spa treatments. I like to treat myself to a massage every once in a while.

I hope this helps :)

22-08-15, 14:37
I recommend listening to Dr Claire Weekes audio tapes. They are great for relaxing as well as teaching you how to overcome anxiety and panics in general. There's a few links online and Youtube where you can listen to them for free.

A nice warm bubble bath never fails too. That is usually my first choice of action when I feel like I can't calm down.