View Full Version : Shooting pains in head on one side - PANIC!

12-08-15, 10:57
Since Sunday I’ve been having really weird head pain, it started on Sunday (we had been drinking in the day as it was my birthday) as a aching pain on the left side of my head just above my ear, just that specific patch. It started at about 4 and lasted all evening then faded before I went to bed. It then started again on Monday morning, then faded again (exactly the same patch). Then yesterday in the same patch again I got really intense shooting pains, probably about 20-30 of them throughout the day yesterday, stopping for a bit and then a few more in the evening before I went to bed – and this morning I have got the dull ache in the same patch again! I’m absolutely terrified about this – especially as I have woken up today feeling a bit unwell/feverish/achy (flu like symptoms). Please can someone reassure me that this is nothing serious? I'm shattered at the moment as not sleeping well and a lot going on. I had an mri head scan in May due to headaches which was clear – I’m paranoid there is something I should be concerned about here seeing as it is just one particular spot on my head, such as meningitis, haemorrhage, tumour! To give some info, I have chronic anxiety and terrible health anxiety, the pain isn't excruciating but it is very sore and disrupting my work.
Thank you x

18-08-15, 21:51
Hi. I get exactly the same. They started 2 years ago for 2 months, stopped then started again for about 2 weeks in feb this year stopped and then I had them yesterday. When they start it puts me into a bad mood and I feel anxious and low. They're not really painful and I took paracetamol once and they went. Freaks me out! Always on the left just above my ear and around that general area. Like short shap and full stabs. Are yours like this?

19-08-15, 10:39
Hi Blonde,

Yes this sounds exactly the same as me! they seem to have subsided for a few days but then they'll suddenly come back and cause so much disruption to my day! it does make me really anxious and panicky when I get them and of course I start googling and reading all sorts of scary things. mine tend to be on the left too around the ear area! have you ever had any tests done? I was told that shooting pains are a classic symptom of muscular tension headaches (my parnter has been told the same thing) but of course my anxiety leads me to panic and think differently! best wishes x

19-08-15, 12:36
Hi White1989. Phew sounds like we have the same which is reassuring. No tests although when they first started 2 years ago i went to my Gp who was a locum and he was clueless and said he didnt know! They went by themselves eventually but when they started again in feb they made me really anxious. This time they were much shorter in duration. Honestly, Im a nurse so you think Id know better but sometimes a little knowedge is a dangerous thing! Now Ive not had them for 3 days but I wake up and expect them to start again and spend the whole day being anxious anticpating them starting again :wacko: At this stage Im wondering if my anxiety brings them on or the other way round. Just feel sick all day and then if Im head pain free Ive wasted the day stressing but it puts me in such a bad mood!

19-08-15, 17:56
Hi blonde,
I totally agree that it is really disruptive, totally affects my mood and sends me into panic overdrive! my partner actually suffers with similar head pains and he has been told not to worry about them either. After I had my scan a few months ago I felt reassured but now its a few months later I'm worried that something could have developed since then which is causing the headaches. typical anxiety!! I can imagine that being a nurse and being familiar with health problems that it must aggravate your anxiety! it might be that your anxiety brings the head pain on, or at least your anxiety might definitely be making it worse. my advise would be to ask your gp to refer you for a ct scan or an mri scan, they're not the most pleasant experiences but its soon over and done with and once you know that there's nothing wrong you might find that it starts to settle down as you're not worrying about it? hope you start to feel better soon xx

20-08-15, 15:20
Thanks for the advice. Ive not had any pains for almost 3 days. I do however feel like everytime I get the occasional twinge I initially panic and think oh no its starting again but hen wind my neck in and relax! It doesn't help that Im not getting such great nights sleep due to a sore muscle in my back - I think that plays a part as well! Hate having panic attacks and feeling anxious. I see so many people everyday at work with panic and anxiety and now I know exactly how they feel!:D