View Full Version : Post Here If You Go A Day Without Googling Symptom/Health Stuff

12-08-15, 15:43
Figured it would be nice to start a thread where people can celebrate having a day without googling anything health/disease/symptom related. I really think that this is a big accomplishment for people with HA to be able to abstain from this and can really help you feel better....

so if you go today (or tomorrow) without googling this stuff post here and be recognized!

12-08-15, 17:04
Used to google for hours years ago thats how i ended up finding this place (thank god ! ) .

Googled something a month ago and shite my self worse case senrio is alway there .

I ask on here for support knowing full well people are just shareing there experiences and see the DR if i think its needed .

Its the way forward

12-08-15, 17:50
I have given up Googling. Haven't looked for maybe 2-3 weeks and already my HA has improved!! I only allow myself here :)
Whatever strange feeling I have I write nomorepanic + symptom and DO NOT look at anything else.
Honest to God what a difference it makes xx

12-08-15, 18:55
I stopped a long time ago as the side effects got me really going, and my anxiety went into overdrive, until I realised every single medication has a list of hundreds and hundreds of side effects and they are all basically the same .

Because one person in 10 million died in Upper Mongolia, that becomes a rare side effect of a particular drug.

Yorkshire born
12-08-15, 19:21
When my health anexiety flared up last year I went on what was a practically 24 hour Google binge and made myself sick with worry. Never fall into the trap of thinking you can rule out illnesses using Google. For every one you rule out you just add two more to worry about. These days I'm pretty good at resisting the urge. Cutting out Google is one of the best things you can do for your HA. Keep up the good work :yesyes:

13-08-15, 09:04
I used to Google everything and then I found this site and read the sticky post about DR google.. it made me laugh and rationalise a lot (I remember reading someone's post about googling BIG TOE CANCER and surprise surprise they had big toe cancer) this was of course an example as to why you should not Google because you will always find your worst fears :-)

I have now abstained from google for diagnosing myself (however I still believe Im dying everyday) for nearly 2 weeks! I still get the urge but I will not let the HA win! I need to revert back to the old fun me and get my life back!

Well done to all you non googlers and to everyone else good luck with it - happy Thursday girls and guys and thank you for all being hear to support each other

13-08-15, 11:18
After I had a breakdown with this, I went to a doctor to talk about it and I stopped googling at her advice and I honestly felt a million times better. It's like google plays on your fears. More than one doctor has said to me, if they could erase all those medical sites off the web, they would. It's probably made this disorder more prevalent.

14-08-15, 16:39
This is a good thread...

I haven't Googled in the last 24 hours...my goal is to stop Googling completely.

14-08-15, 20:02
Stopping googling was so hard but it helped me more than I can even think to describe. Commenting this to bump up such a helpful/great thread. Keep it up guys :D