View Full Version : Omg!! It's put me well in a bad way!

12-08-15, 19:27
Went to see the dr today regarding my illness as I've been struggling breathing again - he recommended trying a 80mg beta blocker despite me having a few good days I feeling not to bad about 70% - I was getting to grips with it this has made me so so I'll! - I told him I feel like my problem is blood flow related to and within the brain, I took my beta blocker as soon as I got home and I've been terrible all day feeling like I've no blood in my head I've felt like I can't process thoughts or take anything in mentally I've felt like I can't breath and my heads pownding - I've been totally physically numb all over I can't feel my body my ears are crackling and I feel like my head is so tense I feel like screaming -

I'm telling the dr it's blood flow related! Why dosnt no one listen to me. Feel like I'm getting no where.

And it's brought back pain in the left side of my neck. I can't even feel myself breathing I'm trying not to panick but I feel so so strange and weird. I feel like my brains dead. I've had enough of this I really have

12-08-15, 20:20
Beta blockers can make you feel like this, I'm sure people with experience can agree.

As for the 'blood flow' issue, do you mean a low blood pressure?

12-08-15, 21:00
Hi. No I actually feel like I have a Lack of blood flowing through my brain or head the pain is terrible and my cognition and the way my perception feels has altered to match. I have a lot of symtoms that can link to blood regulation like a elivated heart rate means faster blood regulation, example like now I've just got out the bath so my body has relaxed calm feels ok my cognition opens a little as I know that when the brains in a anxious or stressful state the blood flow moves to the limbic or emotional part of the brain but when you relax and calm and the parasymthetic system takes over the blood flow flows back to the rational human part of the brain allowing you to think rational but i never get to how I use to feel I'm constantly in head pain that feels blood pressure in head related, I've had to answe the door just a tiny bit of a physical activity and anxiousness and my body has gone it to a complete painfull mess so the smallest thing like that can trigger it and it bad once it starts. Sometimes it's ok sometimes i feel ok and it dosnt happen as bad and I feel physically and cognitively strong too. Again it's a elivated heart rate - I don't know if my brain is stuck in some psychological state of immobilization that's the only think I can think of as well. My dr today admitted he's puzzled I'm what there calling "medically undiagnosed" I think as they can't find a diagnosis - I get like now bad stomach burning pains I think it's adrenaline I'm not sure tbh. The problem is I'm chronically like this i never feel 100% normal not even for 1 second a day never for the last 2 years.
beta blockers act on the central nervous system blocking out beta. I'm going to have a read up on it now. I know beta is known to help with multi tasking cognitively and focused attention - makes sense why I've been waking around all day feeling like I've died and not able to take nothing in. Apha is more for relaxation like when someone's doing yoga mindfulness meditation, calm and focused - exactly what I'm trying to achieve but with my cognition back and feeling normal perception.

---------- Post added at 21:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

Mmmmmm - beta blockers reduce heart rate and work load and reduce blood pumped and circulation ........I'm not a dr but it dosbt take a rocket scientist!

Alpha blockers act on the symthetic nervous system that reduce the production of cortisol - these sound a bit more better treatment.

12-08-15, 21:31
Essentially, beta blockers reduce the action of adrenaline and noradrenaline, slowing down the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. The reason your GP will have prescribed them for you is that they can reduce the physical effects of anxiety such as racing heart, shaking and sweating. I am prescribed propranolol which I take when my anxiety peaks. They work really well with very few side effects - I just feel a little tired and have some strange dreams.

In terms of your perception of reduced blood flow, I'm not medically trained so I can't really comment. All I can say is that anxiety can induce a whole host of physical symptoms that feel (and actually are) incredibly real. Imagine when you've been most relaxed or distracted recently. Have your symptoms got better or do they still bother you as much? Have you been out with friends and not noticed your symptoms for the night? These are ways of assessing if they are anxiety related. Not definitive ways but they can be indicative.

You're on this website so you clearly recognise you have anxiety problems. I'm suggesting that this may be the cause of your symptoms rather than something physical. Worth thinking about?

Take care


12-08-15, 21:54
Hi pip,

Yer the dr did say that that's why it sounded good but I've just read that with them reducing heart rate that if my problem is blood circulation related this will and has made me feel worse so I'm confused. What illness would make me feel this way by taking a heart slowing medication.
I don't know I've been out with friends to a football match not long ago and really struggled to be normal as I use to be.

I won't be taking them beta blockers tomorrow. I can't deal with feeling like I did today after taking them.

Can anxiety chronically alter your perception would you know? I often get a sensation of pressure in the core of my head where my brain stem
Would pass up that feels like a blockage that's how it feels.

See my processing cognition has altered because i feel crap all day I don't feel like I'm taking anything in through the day because of the way my perception and cogition has altered, so in the evening il take a bath try to take a few deep breathes bring my body in to a relaxed state that in return also eases my head pains so I'm guessing this is the blood pressure in my head easing off my body calms and il lay on the bed and "try" to process what I've done wher I've been who I seen ect and this action physically hurts - as I try to think that action physically hurts my head / brain - I can not process this type of thinking for long. Some days it's not even there to use so days I can feel 90% and I don't have to try it's just happening like normal people or how I felt all my life, it's as if my brains losing blood/power/suguar/chemicals/ being attacked by adrenaline/ or the blood shifts it's like switching from automatic free flowing awareness and feelings and emotions to match to going to manual losing all outwards cognition and awarness and rational feeling to process natural free flowing thoughts.
I can wake feeling normal ish about 70% - 80% but say I start to make my wife a coffee and children breakfast that destroys me and I go in to a complete shutdown of a painfull cognitive mess.

Thanks x

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

I've noticed I don't breath when I concentrate when I'm in a bad state. I stop breathing

12-08-15, 22:06
With all due respect, what you're describing has all the hallmarks of anxiety. The fact is, blood flow to the brain as well as in and around it in and of itself is not something that physically happens unless it's a very serious life threatening issue such as a stroke (which in no way, shape or form are you dealing with here!). The fact that you've had these symptoms for some time indicates it's a cognitive issue caused by your anxiety disorder.

Your doctor was helping by prescribing the beta blocker and it in no way shape or form and cause reduced blood flow to your brain. You reaction and subsequent perceived physical symptoms are again indicative of anxiety. I take a beta blocker for heart disease 2x a day and have absolutely no side effects.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

12-08-15, 22:29
Im doing all I can - I've give up my career , I take supplements, I try exercise light boxing, I go for walks, I eat healthy, i tried going back to work my employer sent me home as I could barley talk one day my cognition was so bad I was sluring words, I couldn't work out where I was or how to get home.
I read and relax as much as I can when I get chance or feel I need to but like I said I can't move without becoming in cognitive problems and nerve pains head pains and confusion ect.
I see a psychiatrist who is also a neurologist I have seen 2 high level therapists on the NHS both with 15+ years of experience and both could not help me as they said my symptoms they have never seen before, the only reason I see the psychiatrist is because of his neurological experience no one else could help me it took me nearly 2 years to find anyone that felt they could try to help as everyone I seen in the anxiety field haven't had a clue what's up.
I have had stroke like episodes - they last for 20 minutes - 40 mins the longest I've had to call paramedics out in the middle of the night - well my wife has, I couldn't feel my legs, move, talk, communicate, move my mouth or relay speech from my head to say what I was thinking. This has happened 3 times once in asda where I fell to the floor and had to be lifted up and sat on a chairs for 25 minutes before I got body strength back to even move my legs or again talk.
I still have episodes of some form of seizure type things my body goes in to - I can't breath I shiver and it feels like my nerves are frying or burning/prickling, I go weak I can't stand and I get terrible sharp head pains and my cognition goes all dizzy. I usually fall to the floor until it passes, usually 15-20 mins then it starts to wear off I get strength back in my body my breathing resets the pains ease and I come around but then il start yawning. These are not panic attacks my heart dosbt beat I don't hyperventilate. It's hard to explain the feeling but it's really painfull. I recorded myself or my wife did and I shown it my dr today he's never seen anything like it he said and he use to work in a psychiatric hospital giving people ECT!

See why I'm confused
Oh I've also tried nearly every anxiety and anti depressant there is and non of them have altered how I feel, even diazepam dose not help with these episodes. I use diazepam to help to sleep as the pains and sensations in my head are painfull I find it hard to get in to sleep.

I'm trying everything mate trust me.

12-08-15, 22:40
One of your doctors did mention Disassociative Disorder. Feeling you can't move certain body parts is a possible symptom of that, anxiety sufferers can experience Non Epileptic Seizures (NES), etc.

What are they recommending for working on things like that.

Anxiety can do things that are not commonly known and there have been cases of Somatoform Disorders where people have experienced the inability to walk, control a motor function or even temporary blindness. These are the more extreme cases.

From reading about your head crushing on your threads in the past, Ollie, I've always thought yours to be a complex case. I really think specialist medical professionals, like your current psychiatrist, are needed here as your symptoms seem to go beyond that of many anxiety disorder sufferers.

13-08-15, 14:08
Yer mate that's the only thing they can come up with that's what I've been going off, but obviously like everyone on here I've been trying to figure out what's coursing it and to me it feels blood circulation or pressure related. The more physical work I do the worse I become to the point I literally can't breath and my head goes complete to pot I lose all cognition and literally
Falling to the floor I have to keep sitting down to try to get my breathing back down and my cognition back. I'm struggling to breath now as I type this as I've just walked upstairs carried a box down.

I'm not saying I'm just out of breath because I'm unfit I literally mean I can not catch my breath and get relieves from it. I'm 31 mate done football and boxing all my life I know my own body and know what I'm capable of like anyone. I just don't feel well at all.

Anyone with anxiety have to just sit still all day encase there heart rate pics up an they lose everything in there body I've never known or read upon.

If I sit for a good 30 mins my body calms my heart rate drops my pressure drops my head calms the pains ease my breathing levels out I get to about 60%

If I get back up now carry on it all goes off again mate.
Can I send you a video in a email terry of one of my episodes to see if you think you wreckonise what it is??? I honestly need help with this bud I'm trying everything i can.
The only illness I've ever had is a blood clot on my lung if I was ever I'll ild just fight on but this is something else.
I've broke my wrist playing football 5 minutes in to a match and played the whole first half before I was forced to come off I'm a fighter mate if I didn't feel like I needed to I would bother no one I usually have just got on with it but I can't with this it's bad really bad.

---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 ----------

That's crazy! - for about 25 minutes it all went away!!! I felt 100%! - I didn't do nothing different! Now it's back. 8-(