View Full Version : Just Scared

12-08-15, 21:38
SO SO SO SO sick of this HA now.... I cry everyday because of a symptom that I may have felt I get a headache and my mind races about brain tumours.... im tired all the time, Im scared to be alone and I cant sleep well unless someones with me... does anyone else feel more anxious at night time knowing everyones in bed and ur up by yourself its a really horrible feeling x:yesyes:

12-08-15, 21:58
Hi jojo I'm Megan.I can't sleep @ either my mind goes in overdrive, I think about everything possibly that scares me, symptoms, crimes,hijackings,heart attacks,what ifs I do however try and say a prayer, I try saying this: Lord grant me the serenity 2 accept the things I cannot change and the courage and wisdom 2 change the things I can. I try and say it over and over till I fall asleep maybe give it a try hope it helps all.the best :hugs: Megz

12-08-15, 22:03
thanks a lot I will defiantly give it a try tonight thanks so much xx

12-08-15, 22:48
My pleasure I'm gonna be doing it with u from my side another bad night 4 me

Xoxo Megz