View Full Version : Feeling of madness?

12-08-15, 21:49
Fed up of feeling like I'm going mad. Or I'm going to end up not knowing who anyone or myself is. It's so frightening to question your mental health.

12-08-15, 21:57
I know how you feel sammie I'm feeling exactly the same right now. :(

12-08-15, 21:59
It's bloody horrible isn't it? I'm lay here in bed feeling like crap, twitching, feeling anxious and weird and thinking to myself I'm going to lose my mind or end up a skitso ��

12-08-15, 22:03
its a horrible feeling but one thing to remember is that if you are worried about going crazy then you are not crazy...people who have lost touch with reality dont care that they have lost touch with reality..

anxiety is a very painful disorder..it makes you feel like you are going to lose control.. but you do not/cannot 'graduate' from anxiety to schizophrenia..two totally different things....

12-08-15, 22:05
That's good to no. Thankyou xx

12-08-15, 22:17
I know how you feel. It`s easier said than done, but distract yourself.Take a deep breath and think that nothing bad is going to happen. It`s just the panic, it`s playing tricks with our minds and that`s it. As already mentioned, people who go crazy don`t know it. So try to not worry.

12-08-15, 22:21
Thankyou.. Just feel fuzzy headed and funny and sometimes when I talk I think iv not just spoke aload of crap have I? Xx

12-08-15, 22:48
a good thing to tell yourself if you are afraid of something like speaking a load of jibberish (which im sure youre not) is to tell yourself "so what if i do?"...so much of defusing worst case scenarios and catastrophizing is to take that "so what" attitude..its hard and takes practice but it works if you can do it