View Full Version : Possible HIV contraction?

13-08-15, 00:06
Hello. I have been worrying about contracting HIV through common contact for years, and I have been doing better with handling my thoughts and anxiety.

But today brought me back to a fimiliar place with my anxiety.

I bought a new tobacco pipe ( i know smoking is bad, but i wanted to smoke today). All went well. Until the person who worked at the store took the pipe from its case.

The man had long finger nails that seemed to be dirty. I have an issue with always inspecting the people who handle my stuff. From food to clothes I always see if they have a bandaid on,cuts, anything really.

He took my pipe by the mouth piece and I purchased it. I should've just walked away but I am trying to get over my fear and I thought I should just go through with it and buy it and smoke out of it because I'm being irrational.

So I smoked out of it and now I'm panicking. I feel as if his nails could've contained blood underneath that went onto the mouth piece. I am now really worried and regretting buying the pipe and smoking out of it.

What are the chances of me contracting HIV this way? I'm really worried. What if I just washed it with water???

13-08-15, 00:19
what if it was even minutes after? and up to my lips?

13-08-15, 00:35
no chance honestly

13-08-15, 01:20
hard for me to get that in my head