View Full Version : Perception

13-08-15, 08:43
Morning all,

I have had a bit of a thought and wanted to share it.

What Is holding me back from recovering is my thoughts that I am not the old me, i've slipped into some weird anxiety world and there's no way out, everyday is about anxiety, and i've realised this perception is what's keeping me ill. Because I live in anxiety world, danger is always present, I am always weird, my surroundings are not quite right, my connections are off. Yet this was the same world I lived in a few months ago and really loved. My perception has changed because of anxiety, but now I am must work on changing my perception. It will be frightening because my brain finds it's soothing I suppose to be constantly on edge ready for the worst, but that worst isn't coming. It's really time to change my perception and get better.

15-08-15, 19:09
I know exactly how you feel. Back when I was still in school and at my worst panic-wise, I felt like a completely different person. I felt as if I had lost the 'old me', the old me that enjoyed travelling, socialising with friends, and being confident. I couldn't cope with having lost that part of me; I felt loss.

However, as my circumstances changed (graduating) and I had come to accept that panic attacks are not me, they are something that exists alongside me, my perception has shifted. I haven't lost anything, I have merely modified my behaviour to accommodate my anxiety. Once I became of aware of the fact that the anxiety had taken control over what I do and how I feel, I started getting better and panic has slowly loosened its grip on me.

I hope you feel empowered enough to do the same :)

15-08-15, 19:49
Thanks for writing such thought provoking posts, and sharing how you feel. I feel like I need to shift my perception too and I can totally relate to the feeling of loss- grieving for the woman I used to be, I too feel like I'm lost in anxiety world, but like you said- the world isn't suddenly more scary; its me that has suddenly become more scared.

I hope these realisations help me move beyond the panic I feel.

17-08-15, 02:46
Funny that I was thinking something similar today. I have always enjoyed driving, and I found it very relaxing. Until anxiety. Now, I dread driving. While having to make a 3 hour drive today, I couldn't understand why I was so nervous -- I used to love this! Then it hit me, the car is the same and the roads are the same, but my thinking is very different.
I agree, I need to change my perception, too! Good thoughts, thanks for sharing this!!