View Full Version : Think I swallowed some glass help!!!

13-08-15, 11:33
Last night i made some water and went to bed. I just finished off it this morning only to find that it's got glass at the bottom!
I've also woken up with a really chesty phlegmy cough and a sore chest! I'm worried the piece of glass is stuck in my lungs or something :'( I didn't feel any glad go down but my chest really hurts and I've got a lump in my throat 😫

13-08-15, 11:41
What do you mean it's got glass at the bottom? That the glass had broken?

13-08-15, 11:44
Yes sorry the glass had chipped

13-08-15, 23:15
I have a fear of accidentally swallowing glass, but glass is heavy and when it's in water, it tends to sink to the very bottom. It's unlikely you swallowed it. Plus, because it was last night, your stomach will have already absorbed all the water, all the contents of your stomach will be on their way 'out' if you know what I mean. So if nothing has happened so far, I don't think anything will happen. Food and mucus (ew) will have surrounded it and it will pass :)