View Full Version : my lovely boy

silver blaze
13-08-15, 13:51
Just have had to have my little friend my dog put to sleep he had got kidney failure he was 14, am gonna miss him dizzies are all over the place


13-08-15, 13:59
Mine had to be put down a few weeks ago. Probably didn't realise it at the time but had defo increased my anxiety. Sorry for your loss.

silver blaze
13-08-15, 15:02
sorry for your loss too it really knocks your duck off

13-08-15, 16:23
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and companion. It's just horrible.

13-08-15, 16:26
So sorry for your loss, very sad x

13-08-15, 16:29
Sad indeed ,from a guy who had 7 rescue dogs at one time. We had to put both our Boxers down in September and on New Years Eve. it was devastating.

13-08-15, 16:50
So sorry Hun, I lost my lassie collie not so long back and I felt like my heart would break .
He was my most loyal friend x my thoughts are with you

13-08-15, 19:41
So sorry for your loss. I had to put my special little guy down 3 years or so ago. He was 14. He was my best friend. I still miss him on a daily basis. But, I can now laugh when I think about him. We had lots of good times. It's a shame that our little fur faced friends aren't with us longer. Just trust in the fact that the pain of the loss does ease, it all takes time. Take care xo.

15-08-15, 05:07
Really sorry to hear this. :hugs: I have a dog and it would tear me up if anything ever happened to him. They are members of the family to us so we grieve for them.

Try to remember the happy 14 years he had with a loving owner. He would have known he was loved and would have loved you unconditionally as pets do.

15-08-15, 05:49
We put my childhood dog down a few years ago because she came down with doggy Alzheimer's and could no longer function.
It's hard, but remember how lucky your dog was to have a loving owner. You only miss your little friend because you loved him so much and shared so much happiness with him.