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View Full Version : Ladies, some personal questions.....

Hears The Water
12-09-04, 18:58
Ladies, do any of you expereince anxiety or panic symptoms that are gynecological in nature? I have been having some cramps and heavyness in the area of my uterus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am going to our home-school co-op on Tuesdays and it is very very stressfull!! The first day was on Aug 31 and I had "female" trouble for three days after that. The second meeting was Sept. 7 and I had some more problems, milder, but deffienatley there. I am wondering if there is a connection to my panic isues. At the very least, I am having hormone troubles and that is not helping my panic issues at all. Any insight would be very welcome.
God bless you and yours

12-09-04, 19:06
hello there Debbie,

I don't think that I have noticed any connection between my panic and female things. The only thing that i can say is that my cramps have become even more unbearable since suffering from anxiety. I think that 's just because I am now a lot more sensitive to any sort of pain. Sorry I can't be of more help!! Take care.

Sarah :D

12-09-04, 20:33
Hi debbie

I have not notice any problems in that area.
sorry i can't be more helpfull.


jill :D

12-09-04, 23:06
Hi Debbie

Sorry if i cant help you on this one but i dont notice a difference since i have suffered from anxiety.

I do notice a change though when i am about to start my period, through it and afterwards. Has that anything to do with how you are feeling hon?

Love Sal xxxxx

Hears The Water
13-09-04, 00:33
Actually, y'all telling me that you have NOT had any connection between lady troubles and your panic is a help. I can rule this out as a possible problem. I think I am going through pre-menopause and the hormonal issues can realy make one crazy. So now, I can focus more on the blood sugar and stress and hormonal things. Anyone else?
God bless you and yours

14-09-04, 00:59
Hi Debbie

We all react differntly and it could be down to a thousand reasons. Try different methods to help you out to try to eliminate how you feel. Diet, exercise, vitamins etc, anything is worth a try once.

Love Sal xxxxx

15-09-04, 12:12
Hiya Debbie

Actually, for a while I think I have (sort of) had anxiety related female pains! Just before I started having panic attacks I used to get these pains in the regions of my ovaries, more on the right side than the left and I even went to the doctors about it. He eventually thought it might be muscular as I'm on the pill and so he thought it would be unlikely to be 'ovulation' problems. To be honest, these pains still come and go at random time (not necessarily at the same time in my cycle) and I've pretty much convinced myself that they're just another of my anxiety symptoms!

In your case, I guess the hormonal thing may well be having an impact on your body and some vits may help you in that respect, as suggested by Sal.

Take care, love Jo xx

15-09-04, 19:47
sounds like the master of mimmick is up to his old tricks again. :(

I would be inclined to say mr panic was using is magic to scare us about something else.

I think because we are so aware of every little thing that could be wrong, we are noticing things we would never have bothered with.

Lets hope it is nothing serious.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

Lisa Marie
11-11-04, 13:17
I recentley started to suffer with a constant dull ache and pain, I can only describe the area as my ovaries (I think it is round about there!) I suffer from very irregular periods, the doc diagnosed polycystic ovaries but I'm not convinced.

I am currently undergoing a lot of stress at the moment and am worrying like mad about these pains. I am hoping that it is just stress related and am seeing the doc (for all the bloody good they are!) tomorrow.

Take care.

11-11-04, 14:11
Hi Lisa,

Sorry to hear what you are going through right now.
Going to your GP is the right thing to do.
Let us know how you get on.




"Every thought you think changes your biochemistry.
Your hormones are effected by your thoughts.
Pay attention to stuff that bring you joy.
Look for things that bring you a smile!"