View Full Version : new member

06-02-07, 13:31
Hi new member here. I have been prescribed cipralex for depression with obsessive thoughts thrown in for good measure!! and am awaiting CBT. I find that the cipralex is helping however my sleeping pattern is still disturbed and have heard that valerian herb is good but am worried about taking it with cipralex. Has anyone any info? thanks

06-02-07, 13:45
Hi there

Welcome to NMP - the site has been a lifeline for me since November last year; I have made some good friends and have had a great deal of reassurance and help.

Sorry to hear about your sleep problems - my postings of November and December relate mostly to sleep issues - I was lucky if I managed 2 or 3 hours a night and I got myself into a dreadful state.

Meds can sometimes really upset sleep patterns (for me it was Prozac which I was only taking for about 10 days). My GP did try me with sleepers which never really helped and he was concerned would cause dependency issues.

My sleep is still not perfect but MUCH better than it was (typically 5 hours per night). It sound silly, but it seems that the 'old' ideas are the best. A glass of warm milk, lavendar oil on the pillow, warm bath etc.

Valerian (hops) are meant to be very good! BUT be careful - I was surprised that I cannot take an over the counter aid like Nightol, or Tescos/Sainsbury's sleep aid because it can react with my meds (propanalol). I would certainly look at all the contra-indications on the prescribed meds, as well as the prescribing advice on whichever valerian sleep aid you may be considering.

Your GP should be able to advise you as should any GOOD natural health shop selling valerian and other sleep aids.

Hope this helps.

God luck and take care


06-02-07, 15:01

I'm fairly new here too and I also have had lots of problems with insomnia.

I found that my medication upset my sleep patterns a lot when I first staretd taking them, I once went for 3 days without a wink of sleep. I ended up in my doctors surgery in a right state and went away with sleeping tablets.

They did help, but they are not a long term solution. My favourite is lavender oil, I usually feel most anxious in the evenings and putting a little lavender oil on my burner helps me relax before I try to go to sleep. Getting into a routine of going to sleep and getting up at a regular time also helps a lot.

I took valerian tablets for a while before I was on any meds and I found they did help a little, but I had very vivid and strange dreams while taking it. I found that prescription sleeping tablets are much more effective, but there is always the risk of dependance and tolerance if you take them for a long time.

I would be careful taking any herbs along with prescription meds as the effects are often unknown. Best thing is to speak to your GP and see what he/she thinks.

Good luck, take care,


Ma Larkin
06-02-07, 16:12
I've tried everything for sleep! Drives me mad at times because now I am off meds, clear of panic attacks and have the odd anxious moment, yet my sleeping pattern is still terrible. I was on Prozac for about 12 months, my sleeping became erratic, at most 2/3 hours (not good when working full time and single mum to 3 kids). When I stopped the Prozac my sleeping seemed to return to normal, but after a couple of months the old routine came back of waking up every couple of hours. Think I maybe a bit depressed (can't wait for summer!!) so I started taking Quiet Life tablets. They are a real help. A bit like Kalms, but they suit me better. I take 2 in a morning, 2 with my lunch and 3 half an hour before bed. They don't make me feel groggy in the morning and I only take them when I feel I need to.

Maybe a chat with your GP would be a good idea, just to put your mind at rest to see if you can take Valerian with your meds.

Les, x

06-02-07, 16:58
I have probs sleeping too and have been prescribed Temazepam to help. DONT GO THERE!
Now I am addicted to them and whilst they dont help me sleep, if i dont talke them then I am paralysed by anxiety. They solve the probs for a few weeks but then you need more, and more, and more......
I find reading a really boring book is more likely to get me to sleep!

06-02-07, 18:18

A big welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad ta have ya onboard.x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

06-02-07, 18:43

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

07-02-07, 14:51

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

10-02-07, 12:05

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

10-02-07, 14:31

A warm welcome aboard.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel