View Full Version : I Googled something and now regret it!

13-08-15, 19:24

Okay so 7 weeks ago I went to my doctors about a Lymph Node I could feel just above my adams apple, It's not massive but easy to find when feeling around. I have an Ultrasound for this Lymph Node on the 24th of this month It hasn't changed much in that time defiantly not bigger. I wasn't really worried as the doctor wasn't worried and I am trying to trust my doctor. The thing is I read the Ultrasound note and it says Lymph Node and Thyroid to be scanned.

I was a little confused as I didn't mention anything about my Thyroid so I did something I thought I had gotten past I Googled and as you can guess I found loads of stuff about "The Big C". I am in a bit of a panic again right now and don't really know what to do. I have been doing better lately but this hasn't helped me at all.

I just needed to get it out and not site in my house thinking it over and over in my head.


13-08-15, 20:07
I had head and neck cancer. When the doctor suspected it, I was scheduled for tests stat (within a couple of days). After that, appointments and further tests, biopsies and diagnosis were done within a couple of weeks. Further more, the nodes in suspect were clearly visible to the naked eye and there was no "feeling around" involved.

The fact that your doctor doesn't have you on the fast track for testing indicates a non-urgent matter.

Positive thoughts

13-08-15, 21:22
The big "c" cancer isn't like lord voldermort we can say the name. Lol

13-08-15, 22:35

Okay so 7 weeks ago I went to my doctors about a Lymph Node I could feel just above my adams apple, It's not massive but easy to find when feeling around. I have an Ultrasound for this Lymph Node on the 24th of this month It hasn't changed much in that time defiantly not bigger. I wasn't really worried as the doctor wasn't worried and I am trying to trust my doctor. The thing is I read the Ultrasound note and it says Lymph Node and Thyroid to be scanned.

I was a little confused as I didn't mention anything about my Thyroid so I did something I thought I had gotten past I Googled and as you can guess I found loads of stuff about "The Big C". I am in a bit of a panic again right now and don't really know what to do. I have been doing better lately but this hasn't helped me at all.

I just needed to get it out and not site in my house thinking it over and over in my head.


Hi Mate

I guess Fishmanpa has totally freaked you out dispite best intentions :blush:

Its a routine check , i had swollen nymth nodes under my arms , neck , chin 5 years ago and a contstant sore throat for 4 months i googled and shite my pants but it was nothing , they did not find out why either what it was .
Nodes up for 6 months :shrug:

Hospital Check at the ladies breast clinic :huh:( i,m a man) and nothing found got knobed off as ok but no reason why it all happened :shrug:

I lost 3 stone with worry and thought i was on my way out.
Seriously if the DR thought it was nothing it will be , all they do is refer any way as they are just the "opening door " to health checks .

From where i,m sat i would not be worried one jot .....but if i was posting its a different matter .

Nodes do swell and go down and sometimes even don,t reduce to initial size ( Docs words 5 years not mine ) .

13-08-15, 23:09
My lymph nodes in my neck swell if I am sick, or have a sore throat, cold, fever or anything like that, and tend to stay swollen for a few weeks afterwards. A few years ago I was so sure I had cancer because one node on the side of my neck became large and very hard, and you could see it under my skin. Turns out it was nothing. I'd had tonsillitis a few weeks before and it swelled up to help fight the infection. The lymph nodes in my armpits and neck also swell slightly before I get my period, and become very painful. No idea why, my body is just weird like that. Nodes wax and wane all the time, because our bodies are constantly defending us from germs.

13-08-15, 23:10
I guess Fishmanpa has totally freaked you out dispite best intentions :blush:

I illustrated that his doctor is not in any hurry and the nodes are not sending up a red flag. Maybe you read it otherwise but try reading it again.

If the doctor felt it was urgent, he wouldn't be waiting weeks to be tested. If the node was sinister, you wouldn't have to go digging to find it.

Positive thoughts

13-08-15, 23:17
I illustrated that his doctor is not in any hurry and the nodes are not sending up a red flag. Maybe you read it otherwise but try reading it again.

If the doctor felt it was urgent, he wouldn't be waiting weeks to be tested. If the node was sinister, you wouldn't have to go digging to find it. I can recall an article about referral within 10 days or similar certainly not 7 weeks.

Positive thoughts

To add to this with it being the UK, there is a strict target timescale for possible cancer testing and GP's are monitored by the NHS. I recall something about 10 days from an article last year, something like that, but certainly not 7 weeks.

As FMP rightly says, any possibility and you would be on a priority test list. You wouldn't wait long for that.

14-08-15, 08:49
Hello all,

I appreciate the reply, thank you for putting the time frame on what I would be expecting if it was Cancer. I don't really think I should worry due to the fact that the Lymph Node hasn't changed since I had it checked by my Doctor 7 weeks ago. I also re-read the letter and I believe they are just going to check the whole neck so thats why the Thyroid will be checked by the consultant when I am there.

Thank you all for the replies it helped me stop being anxious and think about it in a rational way. Fingers crossed that everything will be fine when it comes to the Ultrasound and thank you again this really is a great community.
