View Full Version : Life is becoming hard.

13-08-15, 20:43
I am 20 and have had Health Anxiety for about 4 years. This made me think I had several diseases including several types Cancer and many others. A few months ago I had exams and ever since I have not stopped worrying. Every time I overcome a fear within minutes I will think of something else wrong with me. My current obsession is Dementia and how I am having symptoms and am bound to get it eventually because of my anxiety and current symptoms.It is at the point where I have gotten great news about my results and later that day I was worried sick about Dementia. I have not stopped worrying for so long now and was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to stop this as I recognize I cannot continue like this as it will have detrimental effects on my health and stops me from enjoying life whatsoever. Also if anyone has any info which may help me stop being worried about Dementia this is also appreciated as I really just want some relief even if temporary as this disease has been playing on my mind for a while but I dont find any information which helps my anxiety.:weep:

16-08-15, 03:38
Hi, I think it's a great sign that you did well on your exams. It sounds like you are not experiencing any cognitive deficits, a fact further supported by your post, which has no typos or dropped words. If you do have some problems with memory, it is probably due to your brain running on overdrive with worry. We are programmed to focus on threats (real or imagined), which means that your brain will focus on these, causing you to potentially forget non-life threatening things like where you put your keys (I forget things like this at least 3 times per day :)). While early-onset Dementia does occur, it is usually around early 50's that people begin to experience it. Even this is Extremely rare. I am sure you will be a-ok!

16-08-15, 10:07
You most certainly don't have dementia at 20 years old you have a long way to go before you get that if u even do so don't worry its a silly fictional worry especially at 20 years old, it's just a ocd fear of having something people in there 60 years plus suffer from so stop this now and forget about it

16-08-15, 21:07
Thanks for the replies guys.