View Full Version : How to cope when missing someone

13-08-15, 21:00
I miss one person soo much, it almost hurts physically. I haven`t seen them in a month and a half, but still... I have two or three more weeks until we meet again and the time is passing by so slowly.

I try to think that we will meet again and that everything is going to be ok, but then again, what if something happens before that. I`m getting depressed cause i hate waiting. How do you cope when you miss someone and what do you do to distract yourself?

15-08-15, 00:17
Skpe or FB an option etc....

If so take comfort from that ?

15-08-15, 04:14
It will all be okay! :)
A lot of time away from someone you love/care about I understand is hard and it does hurt at times. However, you just said in a month and a half you know you're going to see them again. Try not to worry about what may happen in between. You both have your daily routines, hobbies, friends, etc. and probably jobs to help the time pass. If you can focus on those things until then and then enjoy the time that you do talk to each other in between on top of your daily stuff, that is my best advice. You shouldn't be completely miserable in between when you last saw them and when you'll see them again. Try to stay as positive as possible in between. Anything can happen in life and a lot of things you can't control but trying to not worry about the 'buts' and 'what ifs' will help you I think. :winks: If you have faith in them, you have trust, you have mutual understandings and you both keep your word, what is to worry about? Hope this helps. Take care!! :winks:

15-08-15, 19:55
I hope that everything will be ok. As i`m counting the days i realise that i`m closer to my happiness, and my anxiety is not so strong when i think that good time is ahead of me. The thing that bothers me about this is the fact that these days when i`m alone, i live in the memories and in my dreams, and not in the reality. The life outside is going on and i`m just stuck

19-08-15, 18:12
I know what you mean about feeling stuck in memories and dreams. When that happens, it can feel like no one we see can possibly feel or understand what we are going through.

It will be okay. Look forward to the day you will see this person in the way you look forward to a vacation. If circumstances allow, plan things that you will do together. You could even work on something to surprise this person with!

I was in a long distance relationship for a bit. The parting was always the most jarring part, but I learned to cope with the absences.

27-08-15, 22:22
There is not even a call... not even one message. nothing. We will probably meet in October. Till then... i really don`t know how can i cope with this. Missing someone sucks, it`s one of the most painful feelings. I feel like i have a hole in my stomach. I keep reminding myself of the good times we had together. i know that i have done a horrible mistake, and that was whenn i told exactly how i feel. From that day everything changed. I just needed to shut up. I thought that my feelings aren`t wrong, that they aren`t something that i should be judged for. I have been through a lot but this absence is one of the hardest things. I miss those smile and those eyes, the days that started so beautiful, the long talks and the hugs. My life isn`t complete anymore and it feels like i have been cut in half.

28-08-15, 16:58
missing someone is a real issue but identifying that and being honest with yourself that you miss that person and it is affecting you emotionally is a great first step...this is a natural human emotion and it hurts but you should not suppress it...my 5 year old cries 4 times a week that he misses his mommy and daddy when he is at school..this is what we are wired to do it is what makes us human...try to take small steps to fill that hole of missing this person with other things..