View Full Version : New to group and stressed

14-08-15, 04:50
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and so glad to have found this place. I was looking for info on my rapid heartbeat around my xiphoid when I came upon this site. This xiphoid area bothers me so much because of course I have a lot of anxiety and hyperness that causes my heart to beat hard and seems faster than it should be. And I can't even look at it without starting to panic more. I'm 37 years old and started taking anti depressants after my 2 nd child was born. Now I have 3 kids and married for 13 years. I've switched meds because I didn't feel like they were working anymore. I've been on at least 4 and been off them completely for a couple years now. I feel like I should discuss this with a Dr. But I'm also scared to do that. I feel so confused about what's going on and embarrassed....and afraid of what they will say and don't know what to say myself. My heart races all day every day and my hands are shaky...I'm unfocused and also angry and bitter a lot..I'm exhausted and can't sleep because I don't want to face a new day. Wake up every morning passed off... omg I feel like such a loser. I go to work and pretend like it's all fine but I'm screaming inside ...I feel like zanax is my only solution to keep my body from freaking out but not sure if it's the right thing to do...

14-08-15, 08:07
Well what's your fear ? What do you fear the heart rate issues at your breast bone mean ?

You've got to get your anxiety down and, with me, it'll be elevated, sometimes physiologically and often just because I have a fear.

When you go through each day preoccupied with fear it can make you irritable, angry, bitter because it's like your permanently distracted and any other intrusions can be getting in the way of those dominating worries you have.

Anybody would be pissed off waking up to that same day everyday.

Try and make yourself some space to get some perspective on how you feel.
Write things down and aim to resolve each issue when you write.
Ie elevated heart rate doesn't really mean anything negative and it would be under your breast bone. It's extremely likely it just means a harmless symptom of your anxiety.
I have written myself calm many many many times. It's like having a counsellor but it's you. You know what needs to be dealt with and try to calm and reassure yourself on each area in away you know will calm and reassure yourself.

Give yourself some positive things to focus on and wake up to each morning.

All of those stress hormones lie in your blood stream so do some exercise here and there to replace it. You'll probably get a mood boost too.

Do you do yoga ? Sounds like it might suit you. It could give you a positive way to monitor your body instead of an anxious one.

You obviously went through something after having a child. Then you've been on and come off antidepressants. They can have an effect long after. I was on Prozac for four years and it took a long time for me to find a new level.

Adopt some positive new behaviours and perspectives and give yourself time to feel better.

And try and resolve any fear you have.