View Full Version : Sharp pain in head and neck

14-08-15, 10:50
This morning after my 30min workout (high intensity Pilates exercises) i felt sharp pain in left side of the head and then it went down to my neck. It wasn`t constant, it was repeating every 30 seconds, and after a couple of minutes stopped. Now i don`t feel any pain, but the pain i felt was really strong and sharp. Can be this a side effect of hard exercise or can it be something serious?

14-08-15, 12:11
I was only looking into this sensation yesterday.. Is it like a short,sharp nerve pain ? Ive had this couple times years apart though. It seems to come from below ear down neck to throat.Lasts a few seconds.. Ive seen many references to it..Often it involves the SCM muscle side of neck.

14-08-15, 12:22
Yes, the pain was near the ear... it feels like it`s going down from the head to the neck and the ear. I hope it is nothing serious. when i`m anxious and tired i tend to feel every kind of weird pains

14-08-15, 12:30

I have been getting this recently, don't really do any exercise but ive been getting shooting pains and some dull long-lasting pain in left side of head, worrying my hugely! im hoping its nothing serious too.

14-08-15, 13:55
I did look on google (naughty) its quite common..Also saw few posts on here in past few years about it..Mine happened whilst typing..I do have a shoulder impingement and the nerve pain settled into the shoulder after the first twinge in neck/throat.

14-08-15, 15:23
I looked on Google too... it says that it`s usually nothing serious. I was afraid of meningitis, but in that case the pain is constant and there is fever so i think that i found a relief... it was distressing though, every headache is

14-08-15, 16:54
Please be aware of how you are fuelling your HA by focussing on all these symptoms in multiple threads, Blue Eyes Shining?

14-08-15, 18:38
pulisa, i`m in a really bad place these days and my HA is on top, that`s why i`m focusing on so much symptoms. I have bad and good days, and these days are unfortunately not so good for me. Hopefully i will get better...

14-08-15, 20:03
I do know how hard it is as I'm an HA sufferer myself and am trying to help you.