View Full Version : My life feels ruined

14-08-15, 10:53
Hi everyone, i'm not usually a fan of forums but i'm hoping that venting / talking to others about my problems may lift the weight from my shoulders

To cut a long story short i lost my best friend around 20 months ago, he died suddenly, no warning aged 32 whilst he was with his 2 year daughter, heart breaking...

Since his passing my life has changed dramatically, i had a small panic attack at his funeral & since then it's taken over my life, a month or 2 later i had the biggest attack of my life, i thought what happened to him was happening to me, Ambulance was called, was taken to hosp & surprisingly given the all clear, gradually it began to drown me, i can no longer drive, be alone, be in crowded places, i make excuses up to get out of trips, im constantly thinking that what happened to my friend WILL happen to me & it scares the living s**t out of me, every little ache or pain i get becomes a huge deal, i think the worse possible thoughts, it's ruining my life, i was so happy, fantastic job, sports car, nice house, stunning loving partner & now i'm just nothing, ive had hynotherapy, behavioural therapy, read all claire weekens books, currently doing a self help course with a belgian chap named Geert to try & sort my life out

My symptoms inc extreme palpatations, hyperventilate, spaced out, jelly legs to the point where i can no longer use the clutch when driving, negative thoughts, blurred visions, nausia, anger, fear

I'm not agoraphobic, i do try to leave the house daily but when i encounter lots of people all of the above happen

Sorry to burden others with my issues but i'm at a witts end

14-08-15, 16:39
Hi Joz

Sorry to hear ur going through a rough patch, believe me I know where you are coming from and a lot of people will be able to give you some good information. I'm in the same boat my life has turned upside down also and it's so frustrating when all the things you loved are still there but u can't relate to them in the same way.

Are you taking any medication?