View Full Version : is it just me that does this?!...fresh anxiety!

14-08-15, 11:56
hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone else does this.....so I can be having a 'reasonably' good day (as far as anxiety will allow me) and i'll be browsing through the daily mail or other online newspage, and come across an article about a young woman similar age to me that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, was fobbed off by doctors for months, had chronic pain/breathlessness/other symptoms similar to mine, and now has a few months to live....it sends me into a MASSIVE panicky frenzy and I convince myself to the ground that I have that form of cancer! I read through all the symptoms they say they had and I convince myself they are identical to mine, that I must have terminal cancer, and I have an uncontrollable urge to run out of work to the nearest hospital and beg for a full body scan to put my mind at rest!
Health anxiety is a killer (excuse the pun)!! Does anyone else do this sort of thing? Sometimes in the space of my half hour lunch break, I can diagnose myself with cancer of about 4 different body parts, angina, collapsed lungs, blood clots and fatal aneurisms...its laughable but also incredibly exhausting :weep:

14-08-15, 18:46
You seem to be the female version of myself, haha. I think a lot of people with HA do this though. So far I've convinced myself I had bowel cancer, testicular cancer, an aortic aneurysm, a serous undetected heart problem and possibly MS.

I'm holding onto the hope that one day I'll be able to just say **** it, if I die I die and go on with my life.

I'd rather live normally and die early than live like this for the next 50/60 years.

14-08-15, 19:09
I now do not allow myself two things:
1) Googling
2) Reading Daily Mail online
I only allow myself the showbiz section because the comments are sometimes so funny