View Full Version : how my anxiety has changed

14-08-15, 15:52
Hi all

I thought while I'm lying here feeling anxious about everything and nothing in particular, i'd just write it out and it might help. So my anxiety started a little over a month a go with a huge panic attack that lasted about 5 hours. In which my mind was mentally pulled apart. I believe I may be suffering some sort of PSTD from it as it was that bad. The next day I tried to forget about it, but it was lingering. I had a few small panic attacks at work, then finally I had to leave early. I drove home in a state trying to relax but couldn't. I always seemed to be able to relax at home, but one day after work the anxiety followed me and I had constant anxiety all night. This dragged on into the weekend , for hours i'd just anticipate an attack waves of panic and adrenaline one after the other. It was driving me insane. I woke up with nausea, felt completely out of it most mornings full of dread, anxiety and hopelessness. This continued day after day until about two weeks in the physical symptoms stopped. But I developed depersonalisation and derealisation.

Being outside was like an acid trip and I didn't know who I was anymore. Work became impossible. I tried to go in a few times, lasted differing lengths. One day I drove half way and had to pull over as my mind was racing so badly. I had a lot of symptomless panic attacks which was just a racing mind I couldn't stop. I'd be convinced any second I would stop breathing. I developed a breathing paranoia which morphed over time until I developed a habit of putting my hand by my mouth to check I was breathing. My brain felt like it split in two and although I know who I am I have such a disconnect from it all. Sometimes I panic just about how all this has happened to me and how I think it will never end. But everyday I push myself. I haven't had a lie in bed day since this happened, i'm too scared to. I am struggling to believe in recovery at the moment although I do feel better each day, I always think there will be something new to contend with. The doctor has given me citalopram 20mg which I am scared to take. I find positive thinking the most helpful but it's so hard to do.

Well anyway there you go, hope some can relate.

14-08-15, 20:00
Hey Hun yes I can , it is a really lonely place to be, I tried citalopram but I came off them didn't really help me much but might be good for you�� positive think irking is good but I know what you mean it's hard and tiring to keep up yet negative thinking just comes naturally.. Do you have close friends or family? X

15-08-15, 22:08
Hi princess, i'm very lucky in that I do have a lot of support but it still feels lonely being in your own head all day, how are you?

15-08-15, 22:31
I absolutely hate that feeling of waking up and feeling sick/riddled with anxiety. This can lasts for weeks with me. It just ruins the whole day.

16-08-15, 15:11
yeah i can relate
my anxiety went from worrying for hours on end to crazy physical feelings headaches, random sharp pains, dizzy, numbness in my head etc
some days i feel great other days pretty crappy
i do ave anxiety medication an SSRI and alprazolam but i'm scared of taking it lol
scared of taking anxiety medication to help relieve my anxiety funny but ...:(

18-08-15, 21:51
Hi princess, i'm very lucky in that I do have a lot of support but it still feels lonely being in your own head all day, how are you?
Hey hun, pretty nervous at the mo, going to see my endocrinologist tomorrow for my test results and to see if they diagnosed me correctly 2 yrs ago with Addison's disease... feel sick at just the thought of going just in case they tell me it's something worse than that, my partner, or family don't seem to be really interested, which makes you feel pretty un important 😓....... How have you been? Princess x

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

yeah i can relate
my anxiety went from worrying for hours on end to crazy physical feelings headaches, random sharp pains, dizzy, numbness in my head etc
some days i feel great other days pretty crappy
i do ave anxiety medication an SSRI and alprazolam but i'm scared of taking it lol
scared of taking anxiety medication to help relieve my anxiety funny but ...:(

I get all of your symptoms too, they are so hard to ignore and not to focus on which I know you have to do to combat health anxiety :unsure:

18-08-15, 22:15
Ah sorry to hear that Princess. Hopefully though you may get some relief once you get those results in. Have you got anyone near by that can help you? PM me if you want to chat x

---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

yeah i can relate
my anxiety went from worrying for hours on end to crazy physical feelings headaches, random sharp pains, dizzy, numbness in my head etc
some days i feel great other days pretty crappy
i do ave anxiety medication an SSRI and alprazolam but i'm scared of taking it lol
scared of taking anxiety medication to help relieve my anxiety funny but ...:(

Same here, which medication is it? I did two days on citalopram was horrendous but think that's mainly because my psychological anxiety is so high i've heard a lot of good reports from it.