View Full Version : Jolt feeling in brain

14-08-15, 21:14
It feels as though my brain cuts out for for a second or so. Very frightening 😪 Iv been told I have labrinthitis in my ears. Don't no if it's associated but panicking thinking what if I have a fit or a seizure. I'm waiting on MRI results xx

14-08-15, 21:21
Hi Sammie
I'm just assuming that if it was something serious they would give you the results very quickly. Did they mention it could be a trapped nerve?
When are you expecting them? X

14-08-15, 21:33
I was told I'd have them today. I was admitted Tuesday and sent home Wednesday, I had a ct scan done. That was normal. So they said MRI as it's more indepth. I also saw ent as I'm having pain and problems with my ear. Deafness, ringing and a full feeling. They have said I have labrythitis in my ear xx

14-08-15, 21:36
Oh well, there you have it then.
I don't know what that is. Is it something that can be sorted?