View Full Version : Bad Time....... Again!!!!

06-02-07, 16:28
Hi everyone,

havent been on NMP so much. Am going througha rough patch again! 2 years ago at this time I was off work for 4 months, Last year for 7 months, and now I feel myself fighting to stay in work again. Its not just the time of year, there are a whole load of issues. I feel at the end of my tether. I have had some very good support from Iain and dont think I wouildve got through the last few days except for him, cheers mate!
you'd think I'd be used to the knock backs, but they seem to hit harder everytime. Sometimes there just doesnt seem to be a way out and I resign myself to a lifetime of sadness and anxiety.
its hard to come here when you are feeling really down cos everyones got probs of their own, and chat is usually a place to be cheered up. I am very conscious that I cant do that at the moment.

06-02-07, 16:31
Hi Bear, I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling again. It's a bummer isn't it? Don't ever be afraid to say if you're feeling bad, we'll try to help if we can.


06-02-07, 17:17
sorry to hear your feeling so down.i used to think i was so low i couldnt get any worse but then id go further down,glad to hear u hav some support, hang in there, no its sooooo hard.xo


06-02-07, 17:37
Hello Bear hun,

Me sorry to hear you not good hun but I know you and know that you won't let it get you down for long cos your strong and will soon get over this wee blip. I have faith in you hun. Big hugs from me to you ((((((((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))))))))

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

06-02-07, 18:36
Hi Bear

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sending you lots of hugs!!