View Full Version : Lymphoma Cancer in Groin (Female)

15-08-15, 10:10
I recently for the past few months have had pain while walking in my right side of the groin due to what i think is a trapped nerve. So i felt around lastnight as all of us with HA do poking and prodding until I was actually bruised and in pain and low and behold I found a fixed hard lump on the left side it doesnt move and it doesnt hurt its about the size of a pea or smaller but im sure i can feel one on the other side too. Maybe I am pushing in too hard and feeling things that are suppose to be there? Can anyone help me out becuase I keep poking and pushing and I am making myself sore and bruised and im so scared now that obviously I have some kind of cancer like lymphoma. I hope its because Im pushing in too hard and its all in my head. I am almost in tears. I just want my life back! :(