View Full Version : Worries over heart. Advice/reassurance needed please

Natalie x
15-08-15, 12:05
I'm hoping someone is able to help as I have gone into yet another loop of panic. I've posted on here a couple of times about heart worries. Basically I think what I'm experiencing is palpitations but am not 100% sure. I had gone to the doctors about 4 weeks ago as my heart worries were causing me dispair and stopping me from doing normal things. I'm so tuned into everything about my heart which all started from a flutter in my chest. When I checked my pulse afterwards it was as though it jumped a bit before going back into its normal rhythm. I had gone to the doctor and explained what I'd been feeling, checked my blood pressure and listened to my heart and she was happy with everything and told me not to worry. So I didn't and it was all fine until last week. I noticed after eating lunch at work that I was more aware of my heart beating and could feel it beating fast. Obviously this sent me into a panic and began to feel warm and sweaty and just all round panic. I constantly check my pulse to check if it's normal and everyday I'm on edge. Is this palpitations or something more sis bister? I can't seem to shake them off and reassure myself even though I've been to the doctor. I woke up this morning with a racing heart but put that down to having a few glasses of wine last night and also the warm weather at the moment. I'm really scared and scared to be alone or go anywhere in case it happens again. Can anyone please reassure me? It's like I'm waiting for something to happen x

16-08-15, 23:21
I've just had the exact, EXACT same thing! My doctor wanted to know was it panic kicking my heart off, or was it my heart kicking my panic off! Check out my post I've just submitted!

17-08-15, 03:17
A fast heart rate is probably my least favorite anxiety symptom. So dang scary when it picks up and I can feel my chest move. But mine are a part of my anxiety, and I'm slowly accepting that. Also, my palps don't happen every day, either.
It took me a while to understand that palpatations are a result of my anxiety, and that I am not having anxiety due to palps. A doctor I trust told me once that if my heart rate goes up and slows down in a fairly easy way, that it is okay. Apparently, people with true heart problems don't have it like that.
As a practice to understand how my mind influences my heart, my therapist would have me feel my pulse while I was mostly relaxed, then do belly breathing while still feeling my pulse. If you try it, you will see that the pulse slows down considerably -- mine almost feels like it skips a beat, but I can't tell unless I hold my wrist. This proved to me that other factors besides a heart problem can influence a fast beat. So in a way, I learned that my anxiety happens first, then my beats are affected, and not the other way around...
:doh: Sorry, I'm jumping all over the place with my ideas here, I hope something is clear and helpful to you. Or I will edit this in the morning after some sleep! Good luck, you're not alone!!