View Full Version : Moving to open plan office, gad + agoraphobia

15-08-15, 13:38

I work full time in an office of 14 in a hospital. It's a safe place for me and a relief when I arrive there in the morning after the journey.

I have times when I can't go to the far end to make a drink, but mostly it's ok. I find it difficult if people that I don't know are in the room.

In 2-3 weeks we are moving to a large open plan area, although we are supposed to be placed in a corner of it. My team leader is great and has offered me a seat in a corner next to him. But, that also means answering his phone when he's not there.

There are going to be issues with adequate toilets anyway, but walking past all these people to go and then a queue.

It feels like everything I fear. I love my job but need to up my coping skills in the next couple of weeks.

I'd appreciate any advice of ho others cope in this kind of situation.

15-08-15, 19:25
I also have problems with my anxiety at work, I'm afraid of getting lost, and have anxieties about getting stuck in the lifts or on one of the disused floors, I also panic about simple tasks and what could go wrong for me-so I can fully sympathise with you- when work becomes the focus of your anxiety it really sucks.

I'm afraid any advice I have isn't very helpful-All I can suggest is that you try to do the things that frighten you... I've been trying to do this after I read one of the Clare Weekes books (essential help for your nerves) she suggests that the place of healing is also the place that we're most scared of, so the thing that terrifies us is also the thing that when we've faced it will bring us the most freedom (does that make sense?) and to heal we have to accept our fears and kind of move through them. So so much easier said than done, so I've been trying to use the lifts at work, and trying to be less terrified of everything.

the only other thing I can suggest is making little plans for various situations, being prepared always helps me feel in control. Like say to yourself- 'if the bosses phone rings I'm going to...' and that might help you feel more in control if you've considered various outcomes.

most of all hugs! I hate feeling anxious about work cos I spend so much time there! I fully sympathise.

16-08-15, 13:45
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm sorry that you have these problems too, it's hard.

I really liked your idea of being prepared. I'm going to make a pad for phone calls, who called, leave a message etc so less likely to get panicked if I have it in front of me. Probably a reminder to take a breath before answering at the top.

I think I can find ways to build on that for other situations with a bit of thought.

The work I have and the people I work with is so good for me and I really want to keep it that way.

Best wishes with your struggles.