View Full Version : Hoping for some help

15-08-15, 23:37
I cannot stop thinking about anything other than Alzheimers. Please I know I have posted several times on the forum with the same problem but if anyone has any information to put my mind at ease. I am terrified as I have had some not so serious memory problems probably caused by anxiety. I have no family history and don't know anyone with this disease but it terrifies me. I am finding it hard to enjoy life at all anymore e.g I did well in some important exams but cannot be happy about this. What recently scared me was I took a test which is on the website foodforthebrain.org and got above average and even though i had to put in my age and it said it had adjusted for this it says it is suitable for 50-70 year olds so I am worried that if I am getting above average and not great for a 50 year old this must mean by the time I am 50 I will be doing poorly and will get the disease. I really understand I am coming back with similar questions to my previous posts but I dont know what to do anymore I am trying to find some sort of information which will calm me down. Also I am beginning to fear I have dementia even though I am 20 which makes me want to cry. Once again I am sorry for posting but I am really running out of ideas on what to do as google is my only option.

16-08-15, 00:01
I'm afraid I don't know much about Alzheimer's disease or dementia, but I feel like it's one of those diseases you really shouldn't be thinking about at 20 ! I'm 19 myself, and I have loads of memory trouble which I think is just poor exercise (I rely too much on the internet/my phone) and plain forgetfulness. I often forget why I came into a room, I struggle to find words (when I do, I stop trying and it comes back very soon, no need to be alarmed), I have trouble retaining a lot of information at once, I'll forget things I had to do/was doing, like my laundry or cooking if I don't set an alarm.
I think it's pretty common and happens to the best of us !

Also don't trust internet tests, as I'm pretty sure they have no actual value. From what I read, Alzheimer's is pretty much a disease that runs in families and if you don't have relatives with it, there is even less cause for concern !
I hope you can find some reassurance in this, even though it's no doctor talking. We all forget things, it's okay :)

16-08-15, 00:18
With respect, if I were to tell you that this fear and the way you're quantifying it is totally irrational and illogical, would that make a difference? You're basing your future on an internet test?

I'm afraid unless you decide this for yourself, nothing anyone can say here will make a difference. Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Good luck and positive thoughts