View Full Version : Feel like crying, awful thoughts

15-08-15, 23:49
I just feel like crying. I can`t take this anymore. I have a couple of symptoms that i worry about and the worries never seem to stop. I`m fed up and i can`t enjoy my life, i can`t rest or relax. There is constantly something that i worry about in my head even though not everything is rational. I can`t find relief, i tried everything under the sun. I just want to be carefree even for one day. To go to sleep and not lay awake in bed thinking everything through. To be able to go out and have fun and not worry that something bad is going to happen to me the next day. I always feel like there is something awful behind the corner waiting for me. At the moment i`m lonely and the person that means to me the most is not beside me, that contributes to my anxiety, i want to be happy just like I was. Sorry for this rant i needed to take this off my mind. I`m fed up to have to fight with this every day

16-08-15, 00:28
I'm sorry you are struggling. I've been there, I know how you feel when you want so badly to feel better and not be ridden with anxiety. It can be so exhausting. For a long time I forgot what it felt like to relax or feel calm. What have you tried? Have you done therapy or medications, possibly both? I needed both to feel ok again.

16-08-15, 00:34
Only therapy, cause i`m scared of the side effects of the medications. I`m determined to succeed with the therapy but i just don`t feel ok at the moment. My whole day is like a state of dream. I constantly daydream and remember the beautiful moments, that makes me exausted

16-08-15, 00:47
What type of therapy are you doing? Have you found it helpful? For me, I started with therapy and was ok for a while, but eventually anxiety and depression got so bad that I had to try a medication. I actually felt so much better once I did ... like myself again. And feeling like myself gives me more motivation to really take care of myself and do the skills I learned in therapy. So for me a combo has been most helpful.

Therapy alone can work though. Everybody's situation is different. Not everybody has bad side effects either if that's the only reason you aren't taking them. It wasn't so bad for me and they all passed eventually. But you don't need to take meds, just telling my experience.

Try to focus on the moment instead of thinking about the past or how things could be. Having a goal is good for motivation, but if you get too caught up with thinking about how things are NOT currently, it can get really frustrating. Try to focus on one day at a time - each day, think about "What am I going to do today to take care of myself and help myself?" Hope you are ok :hugs:

16-08-15, 18:40
I just started therapy so i don`t know how it will go. I hope for the best. This morning i was still very upset for no reason, thoughts of illnesses and dying were occupying my mind, but i managed to distract myself with exercise and some favorite music. Then i slept for 2-3 hours and i had awfil dreams but oh well... I hope that this evening will be more peaceful than yesterday

16-08-15, 19:19
You sound like me, constantly worrying. I worry about allsorts and since I took panic attacks just over 4wks ago, I worry about my health like I've never worried before. It's getting beyond a joke. I have to occupy myself 24/7 otherwise I sit around thinking about things and that doesn't help. It's exhausting. I stopped meds after 2 days aswell and I'm on the waiting list for therapy. I don't know the solution im afraid but I can totally sympathize x

17-08-15, 04:11
We must be the same person or something, I constantly worry about everything, never able to relax or stop thinking. However, I notice if I go out with friends or something it usually stops(until it starts back up again). Try to create as many distractions as possible for yourself, get someone to have long chats with. In my eyes, your worst enemy is your own thoughts. If the thoughts begin, immediately do something, it can be anything. Browse the internet, go outside, go to a friends house, or just call a relative and see if they can help. Hope you can get over this, have a good one.

17-08-15, 20:00
Today i`ve been out almost the whole day, and i can sayi feel a bit better. It`s a distraction, when you have someone beside you. Luckily today my friends were esspecially supportive as they know that i suffer from anxiety. I can say that when i`m not at home i`m not so anxious

17-08-15, 22:40
Probably as you're distracted and are kept busy so don't get the chance to think about things. You sound like me, you need to be kept occupied and cannot be allowed to just sit and think about things x

18-08-15, 00:20
Glad you have supportive friends. Being alone and having nothing to focus on can definitely make you feel more down and anxious - happens to me too.

18-08-15, 08:45
Its awful isn't it.

I'm a dweller, I dwell on negative thoughts and it is exhausting. My brain grabs hold of them and throws them around and around, until I have a numb headache which feels like its going to explode.

I'm currently on meds, but I know these are not the long term solution. I've had private therapy which was ok to a point, but I've now started CBT through the NHS (referred through my GP).

Had my 1st session last week, and apparently I have mild anxiety... However it doesn't feel mild to me!!