View Full Version : Missed doses

16-08-15, 10:04
Ive missed my bedtime dose two nights in the run as I fell asleep!
Last night I had the worst nightmare.
Woke up this morning feeling terrified.

Is this common with missed doses x

16-08-15, 13:30
Missed doses of what?

16-08-15, 14:42
Pregablin that's why ive posted it in the pregablin thread...lol x

16-08-15, 18:02
Ooooh sorry I just saw it on recent threads and didn't realize.
Sorry can't help x

17-08-15, 01:04
Hi Avasmummy,

I don't know if it's common, but I wake up feeling that something is wrong if I miss my nighttime dose - not terrified or anything that bad.

18-08-15, 12:35
I missed my nighttime dose again and had a bad nightmare so must be linked x guess it effects everyone different x

18-08-15, 17:57
Hi Avasmummy,

Is there any reason why you are missing doses? Could you try taking it earlier, or put the dose out next to your bed with some water in advance?

11-09-15, 21:45
I think it's pregnancy brain because my memory has gone to pot. Bought a tablet box now so I know if ive took them or not :-)