View Full Version : Bone lump in finger?!

16-08-15, 17:50
Hi again guys, my usual rant here :unsure: On top of my neurological symptoms, I think around two weeks ago I discovered a small bony lump in my middle finger?? :unsure: It doesn't move, it feels like it's part of the bone :sad: It's like a very sharp 'pimple' on the bone. It's somewhere around here, so not on the joint:


This one surely isn't a cyst or a lipoma, and because it's attached to the bone I'm really scared it's the usual cancer conslussion? :unsure: :sad: I can only see my GP in 3 weeks, so I don't know what to do :(

16-08-15, 19:03
Yeah but that's the difference - you actually know what you have inside (and maybe how you got it?). I just found it and have no idea how it got there in the first place :sad:

19-08-15, 21:12
I have one on my thumb joint.Its a bone spur.

17-05-16, 18:28
I have exactly the same thing in my ring finger!
I have seen my doctor and he sent me for an X-ray. The X-ray nurse said its not Bony as it doesn't show up on the X-ray.
I am now waiting to see my doc in a week or so to see what's next.

Is yours at all painful of you prod it?

17-05-16, 20:10
I had this years ago, it's a ganglion cyst, nothing to worry about but can be painful x

17-05-16, 21:47
I had one a couple of years ago. Dr told me it was nothing to worry about and several months later when I checked again it was gone!

20-10-16, 05:07
Is everything ok with your hand?