View Full Version : Mouth symptoms obsession

16-08-15, 19:13
Hi all, I'm new to this forum so I'll start by introducing myself just briefly. I'm Jack, 23 years old and I live in the north of England. I've suffered with intense health anxiety, OCD (invariably) and other mental health issues since I was 16.

My doctor very recently (1.5 week ago) prescribed me 50mg Sertraline which has been increasing my fears and anxiety a lot. I know these things take their time to work, but I've never felt so frightened all the time and not wanting to do anything I usually enjoy. My anxiety has gone into overdrive and I'm looking in my mouth with a light for symptoms every given opportunity...scaring myself senseless.

Now, exactly one week ago I developed a white sore on the side of my tongue (right side) which has gone down a lot but is still there ever so slightly. It's more a faint white area now than a sore but I recently had a filling fitted which is very sharp and I'm conscious it's catching my tongue when I speak. If it was caused by mouth cancer, would it have gone down so much over the last week and be looking better than it was? I'm so worried and I've become incredibly depersonalised and stressed out. My partner thinks I'm insane and it's put an awful strain on our relationship. He's trying to be as supportive as possible but it's hard for him as he has a stressful job.

To add to this, a week ago I also discovered what I think is red patches/irritation on the roof of my mouth (who even takes the time to shine a light and look up there?!). I researched on google (as always...ugh) and found erythroplakia, precancerous lesions. ARGH! I've been convinced there's something wrong but my partner said there's nothing he can see there and it's in my head. I do get a hot mouth feeling when my anxiety is bad so I thought maybe it's that...but maybe there's nothing ugh.

I've been to a dentist twice since June and the doctor has also examined my mouth, lymph nodes etc when I saw him and he prescribed me the Sertraline. He said I was fine and not to look in my mouth if it's causing me anxiety but since I started this medication it's all I can do. Never felt so different to myself. Dreading going back to work in a week (I work in a secondary school). I can't do this...

NB: I've smoked on and off since I was about 18 (never heavily) which I know is ridiculous given my worries - please don't judge me harshly. :(

16-08-15, 21:13
I am positive your mouth is just fine but if I looked into mine with a light I'm sure I'd see all kind of lumps bumps and other various things...the problem here is the health anxiety, that is what has to be addressed.
Have you been offered any therapy alongside the meds?

19-08-15, 17:17
I am positive your mouth is just fine but if I looked into mine with a light I'm sure I'd see all kind of lumps bumps and other various things...the problem here is the health anxiety, that is what has to be addressed.
Have you been offered any therapy alongside the meds?

So sorry for the late reply - I'm new here so got confused as to where my post was! Thanks for the words. I think it's true we find all sorts in our mouths, I wish I'd never bothered looking with a torch. It's just made me so paranoid and worried about everything.

I've been offered CBT via skype which should start in the next few weeks. I hate feeling like this. The Sertraline has yet to have any positive effect.