View Full Version : this week I've had everything 😯

16-08-15, 20:58
Hey all just looking for the usual reassurance we all seek at bad times. ...pls 😕..so I've had a relatively stressful few weeks moving and so on....and my anxiety is high at the best of times especially where my health is concerned. These last 3/4 weeks it's knocked me for 6...really can't grip it even for a day and it's wearing me down and making me feel worse...in the last week I have "had"..a few heart attacks a few cancers brain tumours heart disease etc etc you name it I've had it ....can overwhelming anxiety actually cause pains and stuff? If I ain't worrying about me then am.convinced my 2 kids are going to get something away. ..haven't felt this bad in a long while...could it be the stress of moving etc...
Sorry to go on just needed to let it out x


natalie yog
16-08-15, 21:20
You're not alone I've had the exact same week. Started with a brain tumour and right now I think I'm having an aneurysm. It's a nightmare when you know logically that if you had any of these things you'd feel a lot worse but it's just that little doubting voice that makes you start questioning and thinking what if.

16-08-15, 21:27
I can feel your pain. I'm forever getting very real pains and symptoms and think there's no way anxiety could cause these because they're so real. Or worse, too subtle. I think anxiety can cause overwhelming panic, but can't cause that small dull ache by moo kidneys so that has got to be some kidney disease. The key to recovery is accepting that everything is anxiety, I think.

I've started jogging recently and my technique is probably pretty bad. I've had chest and shoulder and back aches for days. Sometimes sharp stabbing aches, sometimes dull. Probably caused by the jogging and me using new muscle groups. But my head goes straight to heart attack. I then think about it and get new symptoms like sweating, pounding heart etc which confirms my panic lol.

I struggle to accept everything is anxiety but if I can accept that somehow, that's step 1 towards recovery.

16-08-15, 21:29
It really drags u down doesn't it....I have pains everywhere...or do I? ? Lol.....I seem to grasp myself over one thing then another "worry" starts then the health anxiety kicks in....it's never ending...would love to be able to just relax....x thanks for the reply x

16-08-15, 22:01
Hi Melanie u sound exactly like me !! I've just joined this site - my anxiety started 6 years ago with heart attacks and running to out of hours Dr for ecgs at least 4 times a week to be sent Away with diazioan and told to wise up !!! But that all calmed after 2 years but it's turned to health anxiety now past year or more . Google Dr is always at hand - I've moved house to recently and my stress levels were up the left I have 5 dogs and 2 kids and work full time in my own business so my life is hectic ... But at te minute I defiantly have lung cancer I'm convinced I have a dull pain in my chest past few months and it comes and goes I'm for Dr this week to demand a chest X-ray . But before that I had a breast scan as I thought I had a huge lump under my arm . B4 that it was a lump in my groin and I really disnt know what type of cancer that was . And b4 that it was looking for lumps all over me !!! I prob sound clean crazy but that's why I have joined this site as I know I need help ! Lol

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

O yes and yesterday I was having a brain problem to . Twinges in my head every few seconds . This all sounds funny to others but to us sufferers it's awful to go through I don't sleep then with worry

16-08-15, 22:08
Hope all goes well at the doctors.....as weird as it sounds but I actually come on here and normally just read and "check" and then be "relieved" that people go through the same, as it brings the anxiety down a notch or 2...I know full well that if I had any of these my "symptoms " would be a lot more defined and it's very highly unlikely that I would have so many things wrong....but as you well know this ain't what's going through your mind when good old Mr. H/a kicks in....just been a bit much to.bearvthis last week specially today and I actually feel a.little better for offloading with I wouldn't normally do but glad I did x

16-08-15, 22:17
Well I'm actually surprised to reAd so many people in the same boat as me !! It's actually realived me slighty to ! Although I still prob won't sleep right at night when my head won't switch of is when I think the most stuff ! And I won't take any tabs Dr give me because I'm scared of the side effects and I read every little sentence on that leaflet comes with the tablets !! Only ones I have taken is diazipans