View Full Version : Daily heathy anxiety

16-08-15, 22:49
Hi I am new to this and a suffered for 5 years started as panick attacks and was at hospital 4 times a week on ecg machine convinced of a heart attack . 2 young daughters at the time drove there dad away with my issues - 5 years on I re married and health anxiety is awful no one understands me !!! Daily I have brain tumours all types of cancers today and over last while I'm convinced I have lung cancer dull pain in my chest . I won't take the tabs the Dr give me because I am convinced the side effects will kill me , I over reAd the leaflet a lot !!! I'm still alive after the 5 years when this started and still my life is a misery instead of living the moment I choose to live and extra day convinced I will be struck down with cancer or some awful illness . Can't live my life like this much longer !! I've done the cbts didn't help me at all !! Changed from heart attacks to cancers I sound crazy but that's why I joined this site !! Appreciate to hear from others :ohmy: also I use Dr Google daily I can't stop my self !! I do this for any one I know who is complaining of somthinh wrong with them. I nearly pass my issues on to them and make them worry !! My husband doesn't understand he works in a hospital and things he knows it all !! And tells me to wise up just .

16-08-15, 22:56
I can identify with you. I have heart related anxiety and its affecting my life. I get symptoms that are tough to ignore like dizziness and chest shaking that scares me and I go into my own bubble and I barely pay my wife or daughter much attention. Playing with my daughter raises my heart rate which makes me panic. Every symptom in the world can be attributed to my heart. Even headaches, stomach aches etc.

I've had two CBT courses which hasn't changed anything. I've tried hypnotherapy which didn't work. I've been prescribed propanonol which I haven't taken because I'm scared of the side effects. I often come on here which partly reassures me and partly fuels the anxiety. I have a blood pressure machine which I use but I need to stop. It's another fuel to the anxiety.

I'm convinced it's anxiety until I get symptoms, then I'm convinced it's a real problem. No amount of evidence helps me. For example, I started jogging to prove to myself my heart is fine. During jogging, I get no pains yet afterwards when I relax, I get loads of chest pains. Everything is worse when I'm relaxing which means I can never relax.

I don't know what to try next. I try ignoring but I can't ignore the extreme tiredness or dizziness. Maybe I'll have to try the tablets.

16-08-15, 23:04
Well i to had hypnotherapy rekei CBt everything ... O and beta blockers was on them for 1 year !!! I even paid privately for a full health check on my heart , and was told I was fine .. At the time that helped me a lot to hear a Dr say I was ok - and my heart was ok . 2 year later and it's all cancer related at the minite ... I do exercising a lot of bootcamps so clearly my heart is ok now ??? Although I always still get tight chest palpitating heart but no actual heart attack symptoms any more . . It's all cancer ones now :( really hope u find somthinh that works for u because this is not good for us or our kids

17-08-15, 10:24
Hi Nic. Sorry to hear you are struggling so much, just like the rest of us on here :weep:. Really can't help with the answers but at least you're with friends! My latest HA is surrounding heart issues but I'm a coward and won't even go and get checked...thought about going privately - do you have to go through your GP or did you do it through BUPA or something?

natalie yog
17-08-15, 11:39
Hi Nic All I can really tell you is that you're not alone. Right now I'm going through a daily aneurysm fear that I think about 24/7. It's a real nightmare and I feel like I'm never be normal again. But the great thing is with this forum there are people who are or have been through the same thing so it makes you feel less alone.

17-08-15, 12:38
Hi all - thanks for all your replies I'm really not alone !!! I had taken out bupa for 70 a month to cover me and kids , but this was after I paid for private consultant.. I have to admit it was great at time to hear my heart was fine but years on and it will always be a different thing I'm worried about and now it's all cancers :(

17-08-15, 14:13
I know how you feel, this is the way I spend my days in constant worry and your right if nobody else has it they don't understand it. My husband is so fed up with me now that I try and not discuss any medical problems with him. Today ive had chest pains on and off and im petrified but im more petrified of having to talk to him about it. if I say I want to go to the hospital to be checked he looks at me and rolls his eyes, I feel like a little child.
He's going away tomorrow for eight days and im scared to be left in the house on my own. I have three young children who im scared that I will leave in the house on there own because im going to have a medical issue. I hate this horrible thing that we have to deal with. I know what your going through. I try o read positive health anxiety stories where people have beaten this. That gives me hope. I cant be on any tablets at the moment but I would really advise you look in to the tablets again. they have to write those leaflets for safety, 99 percent of people are fine on them when they have been on them a while. look at some stories on here they might help boost your confidence. message me if you need a chat, I think we are in the same frame of mind at the moment. all the best take care, stay strong

17-08-15, 16:32

Just wanted to say you are in good company on here, I think a lot of us feel like this on a daily basis.

I can't offer you a solution as I'm battling these things myself on a daily basis and like you my fears are always around different types of cancer.

Just know that this board is a great place for support and everyone on here understands what you are going through.

Also if you are in the UK another great source of comfort I've found is AnxietyAlliance. I can't talk to my husband either as he just gets frustrated with me and ends up shouting but I've found if I ring Anxiety Alliance they are great at talking you through the panic and offer loads of really good advice to calm you down.

So if you ever get desperate and have no one to talk to google them and give then a call they operated 10-10 7 days a week.

Take care