View Full Version : Withdrawal from SSRI or something else?

Anxiety Jim
16-08-15, 23:15
I take 225 mg of daily (150 mg morning, 75 mg night. Quite often forget about a dose) for severe anxiety / depression.

I cleaned out my room on Friday and mistakenly got rid of my meds. I took 150 mg Friday morning and nothing since. Today I feel really nauseous, hot, and sweaty. I can't get any more meds until Tuesday at the earliest (takes 24 hours for prescription turn around once I speak to my doctor on Monday).

How badly is this going to screw me up? I'm already feeling super anxious, every time the phone rings I think it's to say someone I know has died! Noises at night I assume is someone breaking in to kill me.

Is this normal withdrawal symptoms for SSRIs / SNRIs? Never felt this bad before. Constantly shaking, feeling sick, assuming the worst. I'm starting to think this whole thing is a nasty cancer which has spread...


16-08-15, 23:23
i would say do what you can to get your meds asap...pharmacies will usually give you a small emergency supply if you explain the situation to them