View Full Version : The fear of being allergic to EVERYTHING!?

17-08-15, 03:34
So lately, it started about a week ago, but I have a fear of being allergic to absolutely anything I will eat. Meaning I usually will starve myself out and find a snack. Does anyone have any tips for overcoming this fear? Btw, I have never had any sort of allergic reaction in my life. The foods that I mainly fear eating are: Tomatoes, cheese, things I haven't eaten, peanut butter, and even WATER! If anyone can help or relate please leave a comment on this post, I am gonna end up starving everyday if I don't get over this.

17-08-15, 03:55
I can relate as I won't touch anything that's got citrus in. I've even stopped drinking orange juice which I drank loads of. I have no reason for this apart from when I had my first panic attack nearly 5wks ago, I tracked back to what I had last ate/drank and it was a citrus drink, and now I must associate that with not being able to breathe. I have no tips I'm afraid, but I can relate x

18-08-15, 12:11
I have this fear too. I have never had an allergic reaction to any foods in all my life and this fear only came on when my anxiety was sky high but it has lingered even though my overall anxiety has decreased dramatically. The doctor told me it was probably my OCD causing it.

I am especially bad if its with a food I haven't tried before or a different brand, same I bought chicken kievs from Tesco usually but today I bought some from Asda instead, I would be so scared in case I took a reaction to it. For about half an hour after eating anything I sit in a state of anxiety worrying I will take a reaction. The doctor told me if I ever had a reaction, I would know instantly or within a few mins but it still makes me worry for at least half an hour after eating.

19-08-15, 03:02
I have this as well. Mine has kinda morphed into something else now but is still related. I'll spare the details in case your sensitive to being triggered...like me. I have even stopped dying my hair mostly because of this as well. The best advice I can give is to keep eating and drinking the things that make you anxious until it doesn't make you anxious anymore. It will fade. It's easier said than done that's for sure. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I hope it passes soon. I know how aweful it can be :(

24-08-15, 17:54
I have this fear as well. I was once eating some beef stew that was some sort of canned variety and I suddenly felt like it was hard to swallow. I leapt out of my chair and started pacing with my heart pounding. I took deep breaths, analyzed my breathing, swore that it was a little tight... full on panic mode. My heart was racing and of course I convinced myself that it must be a sign of anaphylaxis. Obviously I lived through it. I didn't go to the hospital and was back to pretty much normal within a half hour. Of course my new normal was to be scared to eat anything different because of an anxiety attack. :(

Same thing has been happening again because I went on Nutrisystem diet foods. Everything contains a lot of soy and milk. I used to be sensitive to milk as a kid and my daughter is highly allergic. I've been having milk products as an adult with no problems really, other than they sometimes make me have a lot of flegm. Of course every time I try a new Nutrisystem food I start having anxiety wondering if it will do something bad to me. Last night I had a panic attack that lasted an hour and a half because of this. I ate some NS tortilla chips and noticed my heart was beating slow afterwards and I just freaked out. I was shaking for at least an hour. Even today I'm still obsessively checking my heart. My doctor told me not to do that... but its what I do. :(